November 30, 2011

Christmas Season

I love this time of year! Thanks to pinterest and crafty blogs, this year more than ever I was excited to decorate for Christmas. Here are a some things around my house:

These were wine bottles that I spray painted, and then used Epsom salt to cover them. Here's the tutorial: Wine bottles

I made this paper flower wreath (putting old college text books to good use!) last summer but added the two red felt flowers for Christmas. I spent WAY too many hours making this wreath so I'm going to find a way to make it fit each season!

Another pinterest find: candles

I just wish there was more time for all the decorations to be up - It is too short!
Merry Christmas and happy decorating!

1 comment:

  1. oooo I love those bottles. You're right they look awesome. lol. Even the the little "snow" that falls off is kinda cool (except come clean up I'm sure. lol) Thanks for sharing!! And thanks for the comment over on my blog as well. :)



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