December 23, 2011


We're home from Mexico!!  We had such a wonderful time. I plan on spending today looking through and uploading pictures, doing laundry, picking up our house and finishing a few Christmas projects.  I am so excited for Christmas Eve tomorrow - my family does all our traditions and presents then and my sister and her family come in tonight.  I wish the next week would go by really slowly! : ) 

I definitely did not wear this outfit today, as I will most likely be in sweatpants the majority of the day.  Here is another pinterest inspired outfit I wore last week: 

 Hope you've all had a great week!  I missed reading all your blogs while I was gone.  I hope to catch up today!!


  1. love it! love pinterest!!

    new follower :)

  2. so cute! i love your recreation! thanks for linking up! Sorry I'm just responding now...i took a VERY long vacation. Sounds like you did too!
    happy new year!


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