December 12, 2011

Travis James

Meet the cutest two year in the world. Travis James - the best nephew an aunt could ask for.

I was having a rougher day today when my sister texted me and said that this morning Travis said, "Where's Katie? I miss that guy."

Travis: I miss you - Thank you for making me smile today! I couldn't love you any more. The 2 and half weeks when I get to see you won't come soon enough!


  1. He is adorable! I love the John Deere hat. Thanks so much for the follow! I really appreciate it! Consider it a follow back! Love your blog!

  2. He is SOOOOO cute!!! I love the things kids say :)

  3. Oh Katie, this made me cry! Travis is so blessed to have you as an aunt and I am so blessed to have you as a sister and friend. We love you!


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