January 4, 2012

Dear Lauren,

Since my blog was primarily created for my sister Lauren, and future sister in law Lauren, I think it's only appropriate that I dedicate a post to them every now and then!  I just have to figure out how to differentiate from my two Laurens.  Their middle names are practically the same (Kay and Kaylee so that wouldn't work, and saying sister Lauren makes her sound like a nun so that's out too).  
I'll figure something out soon. 
This one is for my sister Lauren .. . . . 

Dear Lauren, 
1. I thought today's outfit post would be a perfect first letter for you, since you made me this scarf for Christmas.  Thank you for being so talented!  I absolutely love it and proudly told many people today you made it.  Thanks to your scarf this may be my favorite outfit yet!

2. I just listened to a message you left me and you told me that Travis showed off his sock monkey to his friend, and named it Oscar.  Thanks for making my evening so much better. 

3.  I enjoyed spending every day with you the last week and am seriously missing you these last two days. Will you make the same deal you made when Travis was little - If I can get Lena to say "I want to move to Wauconda" will you do it??  



  1. Girl your rockin that outfit :)
    Love it!

  2. Cute outfit! And love the scarf. (and the letter you your sister)

  3. this outfit is so cute! we would love for you to link up with us on sunday "sunday best dressed". we need some help with ideas on things to wear to church, so any skirts or dresses you would like to share with us would be great! hope to see you sunday!


  4. So heartwarming! Don't you just love family!?!

  5. love the scarf!

    xo Nav

  6. you are so pretty! i just found your blog, now following :) what a cute idea to dedicate the blog to your sisters! precious.



  7. Well that made me teary! You are so sweet. I guess if you can get Lena to ask to move before she turns one, we will have no choice : ) I love you!!!

  8. Hi Katie :)I saw that you linked up for my thankful Thursdays so wanted to pop over and say hey! I can imagine how confusing having a sister and SIL named Lauren with Kay and Kaylee as middle names, hah!

  9. I LOVE that skirt! It's so cute! And this is such a pretty outfit!


  10. adorable!

    Stopping by from Embrace the Camera

  11. what about Lauren and Lil (for Lauren-in-law)? :)


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