January 29, 2012

One thing at a time

 Shirt: JCPenney      Leggings & Boots: Kohls    Scarf:  handmade

I've realized lately that I can't just do one thing at a time.  If I am watching a movie, then I am usually making a craft or on my computer.  If I am sewing or working on a project, I'll have my laptop in the room and watch a show too.  I am working on trying to do one thing at a time and enjoy it.  This weekend Chris and I watched a movie and I just watched it - without doing anything else.  It was really nice.  And I made two projects, without doing anything else.  I enjoyed the quiet time and felt like it was more relaxing.  I'm sure I'll still multitask often, but I want to work on enjoying and committing to doing one thing at a time.  

Here's the first thing I made this weekend: 
Sorry for the poor quality picture, but it is a lace/silk scarf.  
I''m excited to wear it this week and post the link where I found the tutorial. 

I have a few baby showers coming up and wanted to start working on some gifts.  I've seen similar projects online but made mine a little different! 

Plush Lion

Start by cutting out two circles.  I used this really soft and fuzzy fabric.  (I traced one of my trivets for a good sized circle.)

On the back of one of the circles, pin where you want your nose to go. (I used felt for the nose). Then draw where you want the mouth to be.

I did the mouth by hand.  I'm sure it would look better if you used your sewing machine, but I was too afraid I wouldn't be able to make the shape right.

Then sew on your nose. (I used the machine for this.)

And add buttons for the eyes.

I used all different kinds of ribbons that I had and cut them in strips.  Then folded them in half and pinned them to the front of your other circle.

I wish I would've made my strips shorter.  They stick out a little too far, I think. Next time!

 Lay your other piece face down and pin in place.

Once I started sewing these together, the pins that were on the inside holding the ribbon kept getting in the way.  I ended up moving them to the outside.

Sew all the way around your piece, leaving a small opening so you can flip it through.

Turn your lion inside out.

Then fill it up with stuffing/filling and sew shut.

And you have a little plush lion!  
I think I'll hang it on the outside of one of my baby shower gifts.  

Hope you had a great weekend - I am wishing tomorrow was not Monday!

Linking up with: 


  1. oh my goodness! the scarf is beautiful, and that little lion is adorable :) is it strange that i want to make one for myself haha? what a great gift, too!


  2. LOVE that pink striped shirt! I've been looking for one so I'll definitely have to check out JCPenney! Stopping by from FF...newest follower :)

  3. That scarf turned out so gorgeous! Go you :)

    And I totally feel you on needing to stop and do one thing at a time.
    That's something that I'm working on, too!


  4. That lion is so cute!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Such a cute idea for a baby shower gift:) Too cute!

  6. I love the double stripes! What a cute top!

    See Me Rwar

  7. I love this! Great idea, I totally have to make this for my baby due in March :)

  8. I LOVE the stripes on stripes in this outfit - so cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. Love your striped scarf & boots!

  10. I really like your scarf. And yes I think we women like to multi-tasks men felt dizzy watching us hahaha.

    Kim, USA

  11. I love that lion so much. I am adding it to my list of things to make!

  12. Cute outfits! I love the lion you made, it looks soo good!

  13. I am obsessed with the hot pink and white striped shirt. Absolutely OBSESSED! If you ever get sick of it... send it my way!


  14. love that lion, how adorable is that, my son would love it!

  15. What a cute lion! Great job- and a lovely clear tutorial!

    I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
    Have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  16. Crafty and fashionable--a double threat! Thanks for showing off your style on Monday Mingle over at Momtrends!

  17. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  18. So cute!


    PS. I'm having a great giveaway from Cutting Edge Stencils and would love it if you came by and entered :)

  19. This is cute! You did a nice job. Happy you linked to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Melanie www.bearrabbitbear.com

  20. That's adorable! I have several friends who are expecting babies right now; maybe I'll have to try this out! Looks cute and very do-able! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays; hope you'll be back!

  21. Loving your style and loving your blog. New follower from the Social. The outfit is GREAT! Can't wait to look around some more.


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