January 8, 2012

Why do weekends end??

sweater, leggings and boots = nice way to spend the weekend

I wish weekends never ended.  I guess I wouldn't look forward to them if that were the case.  So I just wish they were longer than two days.  We had a really nice weekend!  Friday we spent some time with friends and then were home all day Saturday.  With the holidays and our busy schedules it has seemed like forever since we were home with nothing to do.  

I made this pillow on Saturday.  I think it's my best one yet! I followed this tutorial: 

 Next weekend I want to make a little makeup bag/clutch but with a bow like that on front.  It would be my first sewing project without a tutorial.  Not sure if I'm ready for that! : ) 

Saturday night Chris and I stayed home and watched movies.  We watched Tropic Thunder (did you know Ben Stiller is my favorite actor ever?) and then Reign on Me.  Two totally different movies - both we had seen before and both liked again! 

We also had a random, but delicious dinner of salad, cheese, crackers and bread.  I LOVE Saturday nights like this!

Unfortunately tomorrow is Monday though and we have quite a busy week ahead!  I'm already looking forward to another weekend! 
 Hope yours was great too!

Linking up with: Warm up Linky Party


  1. Looks like a lovely weekend :)
    Sweaters and leggings are my favorite kind of outfit!

  2. i totally agree! i alwaaaaays want to wear sweatpants to work on mondays! loving your outfit!

  3. Love the pillow thanks for sharing!

  4. that is my question every sunday night why does the weekend have to end? it is so enjoyable, it is good for snuggling up, for staying in your pjs all day if you want and wear comfy outfits like the one you posted. i love it!

  5. I LOVE your outfit! Its something i would wear! :) and that bow pillow! looks amazing!! Just wanted to say thanks for your sweet comment today on my blog! God is in control!

  6. You are adorable. AND that pillow... I DIE! SO CUTE! Thank you for linking up my friend!

  7. Your outfit is darling and that pillow is so dang cute!
    Thanks for linking up girl :)

  8. you look adorable and cozy! thanks for linking up today!


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