January 16, 2012

A Wish

I recently found the blog, Cup 'a Hot Chocolate and love the new link up that she started.  Bloggers share a wish that they have.   Her idea is that maybe we can help each other with our wishes by giving advice, assistance or just encouragement.  

I thought about things that I am wishing for right now.  I keep trying to think of a wish that maybe others could help me with, but the wishes of my heart right now can't be granted with advice, or direction.  My wish can only be given by God in His timing, which is something that I am learning.  

When I think of making a wish the first and strongest thing in my mind is to have a baby.  
A better word than wishing for me is trusting and waiting for God's perfect timing.   

Linking up my wish here


also linking up here today: 


  1. I love how this has a boho chic feel to it. Fantastic:) Thank you so much for linking up!

  2. I love your scarf, headed to check out your links.


  3. Love your outfit girl & your wish :)

  4. Katie, I love your wish and your heart. I'm praying for you! I, too, have been dealing with trusting God's timing for things in our lives. A prayer got answered this past weekend and it was such an overwhelming blessing when I realized God really has everything under control, just not on my time-His!

  5. Love your look! And your wish. I remember when that was my wish as well and it DID happen in Gods perfect timing and it was perfect. Xo

  6. Love this blog! And love the idea of sharing your wishes! Will have to check that out! New follower!

  7. i found your blog through allthingslovely. i love your daily outfits. we're kindred spirits, i think. elementary teachers, wives, christ lovers. only you are better at fashion than i am. i would love it if you'd post more about where your outfits are from and costs!

  8. your dress is soo cute! love the colors!

  9. Aww, I'm brand spankin' new to your blog, but your wish made me tear up. I know that longing for a baby when it just isn't happening. Like you said, you'll get that sweet baby in God's timing.

    I love the comfy chic feel to your look! That tunic is great!

  10. soooo cute! comfy and chic at the same time!
    you would be perfect for our new chic blogger network - hope you'll join! http://allthingschic.net/chic-blogger-network

  11. What a wonderful wish!! I really hope that will happen for you! :)


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