February 8, 2012

My first "It's OK" post

So I've seen and read many "It's Okay" posts and have yet to write one.  
This week I've had more then enough circumstances that belong in a post like this. 
So here it goes . . .

Shirt: American Eagle (from high school)    Skirt:  Target    Boots:  Kohls  

It's OK that I ran outside, took the fastest picture ever and ran back inside because my 8 year old neighbors were playing outside and I was embarrassed about taking a picture of myself. 

It's OK that by running to set up my camera I probably embarrassed myself even more.

It's OK that I lost my deodorant last week so for the last six days I've been using Chris'.

It's OK that I therefore may have been smelling like Old Spice. 

It's OK that I wore a sweater last week and didn't realize that there was a hole in the armpit until I was writing on the board at the end of the day.

It's OK that it took me six tries before giving up on trying to say the word characteristics to my third graders today.  

It's OK that I ate over half a pan of these amazing snicker's bars this week. 

It's OK that I started a workout on Nike Plus, stopped when Chris called me, and then "finished" the last five minutes of it listening to the workout while I read my email.  

How was that for my first It's OK post?

Linking up to:

Its Ok Thursdays


  1. haha how funny! this is the first It's Ok post that I've seen! Love it hah

  2. Love it!!! And you're right, ALL of those things are okay! Have a great Thursday tomorrow!

  3. These were great! Those bars look amazing!!

  4. this is so funny! i haven't heard of the "it's okay" posts yet, but i like them. everyone has stuff like this in their lives, it's just that we work so hard to hide it. but it's ok!

    also, i've totally walked around smelling like old spice. it was weird at first, but i got used to it.

  5. I love the stripes! Cute idea post!


  6. You are hilarious! Love it! Oh man, I wish I could have eaten the other half of that pan of snickers bars! mmmm

  7. It is ok! My favorite is that you may smell like Old Spice : ) I also didn't know that you owned this skirt...I do too!

  8. HIlarious girl!! I always feel like the neighbors are watching when I take my outfit photos!!! Makes it awkward haha! And old spice huh? Lol! And that sucks about your armpit hole!
    Happy Thursday!

  9. Love it! Especially the part about using Chris' deodorant - I kind of love that Old Spice smell - and may or may not have done the same thing :) Cute stripes!

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. Oh my! This is all just too funny! I love it. Found ya from the link up!!

  11. Love your site! Just started following! Do you use a tripod to take your pictures? Ive been having a hard time getting the full outfit close enough.

  12. Cute striped shirt! I always try to make sure there's no neighbors lurking if I'm taking pics outside my apartment. I know they'll think I'm the biggest weirdo!

    The Tiny Heart

  13. i am going to have to try one of these! i hadn't seen it yet. you look really cute btw.

  14. Hi there! I just hopped over from the Mingle with Us blog hop, and I am so glad I did! I love this "It's OK" post and totally putting it on my list of "posts I want to write". I cant wait to see what other great ideas you have :) Happy Thursday!

  15. haha, love the "it's okay" posts. those snickers bars look absolutely delish!

  16. Those snicker bars look amazing.


  17. love it! it's ok that i'm going to make those snickers bars and eat half a pan!

  18. I want those bars so i can eat half or whole pans full...

  19. Those Snicker bars look amazing!

  20. Ha ha! Love it! And hello from a fellow teacher!

  21. Cute! I hate taking pics by myself, too! I live in an apartment with a big mirror so I literally run to do it too haha!

  22. Hey honey! Loving the post...It looks like it's not really fashion themed though? Maybe next linkup you could share about your outfit or something? Thanks for playing along and have a great weekend! Kori xoxo

  23. This is a cute post. It's my first "It's OK" and your is too funny!! :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings


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