February 13, 2012

Things I love about our marriage

In honor of Valentine's day I figured I should talk a little bit about love, right? There is no question about how much I love our marriage and think that I've been incredibly blessed with an amazing husband and a solid relationship.    
Here are some things I LOVE about our marriage:

1.  We've known each other for 14 years.  Chris was my first boyfriend, the only boy I ever kissed, held hands with or loved.  We know each other so well.
Here's a picture of one of our first real dates.

2. We balance each other out.  Chris and I could not be more different.  He is relaxed, and I'm a worrier.  He likes to stay up late and sleep in, I like to go to bed early and wake up early.  He likes spending money, and I'd rather save it.  He loves change and I'd like things to stay the same.
The list could go on.  
Our big differences have caused some conflict in our marriage and have made us work hard to understand each others' point of views.  We have balanced each other out a lot and I know we're both better people because of it.

3.  Our communication.  I've learned in the last few years that a lot of couples we know, don't know how to communicate in their marriage.  I feel so lucky that this is something that, although it does take work, has been a natural part of our marriage.  We talk about everything, from small to big things.

4. We enjoy each other's company and have fun together. The first few years of marriage I remember saying things to other people about being sad when Chris was out of town or even gone for a few evenings in a row.  And many people would tell me to just wait until we weren't newlyweds and then we'll enjoy the time alone.  While we haven't married for as long as a lot of them, we're coming up on 7 years married and I still would always rather have Chris home and be in his company.

5. We love each other despite our flaws.  There is no doubt that there are things that bother me about Chris.  (I am one of the most easily annoyed people in the world and Chris does quite a lot of annoying little things like make gross noises when he eats.  If you ask him what annoys him about me he'd say that I have too many things that annoy me.)  And there are obviously more serious issues that we both fall short it too.  But despite those things I love him more than anything in the world and I know he loves me the same way.

I couldn't be happier with the man I married and can't wait for many, many more years together.
Happy Valentine's Day to my sweet husband.
I'm a lucky wife.

linking up with:
Blonde Episodes


  1. Katie i LOVED this post!! I dated the love of my life for 7 years. It ended up not working out but I always wished it would have. I would have loved the first guy I kissed and held hands with to be the last one. Love your love story! Enjoy your day with your man tomorrow!
    XO, A

    1. Hi Ashley! It's ok dear. There will always someone better for you waiting ahead. *hugs*

  2. that was beautiful! I love that y'all have been together so long! I always tell Wade I wish we had never dated anyone before each other and he always says he doesn't remember anyone else haha. Great love story, you two!

  3. How cute are you guys! Adorable photos! I'm hosting a Valentine's Day linkup and would love if you can join me! Just post on who or what you love, who loves you, or what love means to you...the link is up and you can add your post right away! Have a fabulous Valentine's Day honey! Kori xoxo


  4. Aww what a sweet post! I love seeing all the pics of you two :) My hubby and I are also complete opposites but it works! Hope you guys have a great Valentine's Day!

    The Tiny Heart

  5. :) This post made me smile!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your hubby!


  6. Lots of similarities between your story and my story! I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 8 years after dating for 6! And we are total opposites- we balance each other nicely! Happy Valentine's Day!

    Katie- Hems For Her

  7. what a lovely couple you two are! it's so neat you are each other's first loves. : )

  8. Aww... this is such a sweet post. All those characteristics are so important to a marriage. I think balancing each other is one of the most important, along with communication. and my hubby was my first kiss too! we were high school sweethearts :)

    The House of Shoes

  9. I absolutely love this post! You and your husband sound a lot like my husband, he is so easy-going, relaxed, and a jokester and I'm the worry-wart. But he always evens me out and makes me laugh like no one else!

  10. Oh soon to be sister our lives are so similar and I love it. :)

  11. What a sweet post! I see a lot of my self and my boyfriend in this post… you have given me hope that if it all works out it will rock!

    happy valentines

  12. this is so so so sweet :) Happy valentines day to you and your adorable husband!

  13. Aw you guys are the cutest! Such a sweet post :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  14. Aw how sweet! Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. I love that he is the only boy you've ever kissed. I'm saving my first kiss for that one special guy too one day when he comes along. :) Happy V-day and thanks for your sweet comment love!


  16. Aw!!! You 2 are just so awesome together :)

  17. wow 14 that is awesome!! you two are so cute together. and i love that yellow headband you are wearing by the way!

  18. Very sweet! Love the photos! Happy Valentine's Day!!♥Winona

  19. Love this post!!!! How amazing is it that he was your first and only boy you've kissed! That's adorable! Happy valentines day! Xoxo

  20. Love this post!!!! How amazing is it that he was your first and only boy you've kissed! That's adorable! Happy valentines day! Xoxo

  21. I love reading real-life love stories like this one! Great marriages are the ones where you balance each other out. I used to be a little on the messy side, while hubby was--well--anal-retentive! Through the years we've met each other in the middle! :)

    Hope you'll stop by my blog and say hello. Happy V-Day!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  22. Cute photos and fun info. Thanks for sharing. You are a very cute couple.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


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