March 8, 2012

5 things Friday

1. I got this shirt at Old Navy for $3.  I really like the color. Slightly unsure about the higher front. 

2. Last week Chris was out of town so I didn't make much variety in dinner each night.  
I realized Friday morning that I had some kind of Mexican meal every night.  
I used to have an irrational hatred of tortillas.  
Now I'm not sure what I was thinking, as this was one of the delicious meals I had last week: 

Mexican Tortilla Pizza

3. One of my students wrote me a story this last week.  There was a part where a girl gets a letter from her teacher, introducing herself, before the school year starts.  

 It says, " Here are some of my favorite things: reading, writing, drawing and of course teaching. I love to run. I have dirty blond hair and blue eyes.  I love sushi and candy.  I hate any type of insect. Love, Mrs. Vale" 

Well she pretty much nailed me right on. 
Except for the blue eyes. 
Glad they're learning the most important things about me.   

4. Made these frozen yogurt dots last night. 
They were pretty good.  
Except they melted very quickly.  I was was pretty much eating yogurt with my hands by the end. 

5. I am so happy I get to spend the weekend with my favorite Laurens: 

And of course my sweet niece Lena Jane:  

and favorite little boy, Travis James: 

Happy weekend!


  1. So fun! Hope you have a great weekend: it sounds like you will!

  2. I like the top! I think you wore it perfectly!

    I am very glad you figured out that tortillas are only to be loved and enjoyed :)

  3. I'm definitely on the fence about those really loose shirts with the high fronts. But for $3 you might as well try it! The shirt color looks great with those boots.

  4. What fun! Such a sweet story by your student! I love your youngest would too. I was flattered last night when she asked if she could borrow one of my tops! When you are 43 and your 18 year old wants to borrow your clothes, that's a good thing, right? LOL

  5. I have that Old Navy top in purple! It's so cozy! And it looks great on you!

    See Me Rwar

  6. I love that top! Did you get it recently?

    Your niece is a doll!

  7. I love all the pictures!! TheOld Navy shirt looks wonderful on you!!

  8. LOVE your outfit! You look fantastic! And I've been dying to try yogurt dots. I am a yogurt fiend!! Love your blog. Newest reader!

  9. don't you love Old Navy sales??? I just got a $4 shirt from their clearance rack; love! cute cute outfit. wow that is some seriously yummy looking food, my husband would love that!

    The House of Shoes

  10. Love that striped top, and I can't believe it was $3! And a Mexican meal every night sounds amazing...Happy Friday :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  11. That was an awesome Old Navy find! It's crazy how low they mark down their items! Happy Friday, Katie! Enjoy the weekend with your Laurens :)

    The Tiny Heart

  12. I think that shirt looks great on you! the higher front is definitely a trend right now, and you pull it off perfectly!

    I've also seen those frozen yogurt bites all over Pinterest lately... that is funny that they melted so fast. Good to know, but I'll probably still try them! Have a great weekend :)

  13. What a cute letter! I LOVE Mexican food, ha!

  14. I love that top especially because it was $3!! SCORE! And that stinkin' sweet!!
    Because Shanna Said So

  15. Love the old navy find! so cute! and such a great deal! Have a good weekend :)

  16. I think I need to make these frozen yogurt dots since I have been seeing them everywhere this week! There is also a frozen yogurt shop in my city I have been meaning to stop at! Happy Friday.

  17. I like that top! It works with the tank underneath to add a little interest. :)

  18. Yogurt dots!!! thats genius!!! I am going to have to try that! :)

    Happy Friday

  19. Every post I see of yours makes me want to go shopping for your EXACT outfit!! You are so stylin girl! Looks like you had a great time!! You deserve it!! XOXO

  20. that is such a great shirt! hope you have a great weekend : )

  21. You are seriously so stylish and beautiful. I love that style shirt. It's unique, but I love it. Old Navy has some great clothes and deals don't they?

    Time with family and friends is best.

    Thank you for your words on my post about my Mom and I going to town. That's crazy awesome that you had just gotten in from going to town with YOUR Mom! :D


  22. You are so cute!

  23. $3?!! What a steal! I LOVE a good buy like that!


  24. wonderfulpost with awsome photos :D

  25. i love that $3 top on you, i think the higher front is definitely so wear it! and what a great weekend hanging out with your friends and that cutie! enjoy. i'll calculate the winner of the giveaway, thank you again for the giveaway!

  26. love your blog, so I'm a new follower =)

  27. That's such a steal! $3 for a tee! I'm really liking all of Old Navy's stuff for spring!

    Nice blog btw! I'm a new follower <3

  28. I just got that sweater at Old Navy too! But it was $5..not $3! I love how you wore it!

  29. I like how you wear that sweater. I should go get it. Really like your blog by the way.

  30. Great look! What a steal

  31. Totally love your top! (: For three dollars?! What A Steal!

  32. that letter is so cute.
    found your blog via sunday social blog hop, new follower as well! :)

  33. Loving that outfit and loving your braid....I rocked some braids this weekend myself. How fun that you made those yogurt bites...I've seen them all over Pinterest. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

  34. $3?!?!? A steal!!! And I could eat mexican


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