March 19, 2012

problem solver

Dress: Old Navy   Belt & Shoes: Target

I coach for a program called Girls on the Run and it started a few weeks ago.  Which means that a few times a week I change right into running clothes after school.  Therefore I need to take some outfit pictures in the morning.
Unless of course you'd like to see some outfit posts like this: 

So my problem is that my already small eyes look even smaller when it's early and I'm tired.  
Remember this post

Therefore today  I've resorted to not looking at the camera in some sort of artistic, modeling way. 

That or I look like I am sleeping. 

(Which is a problem I actually wouldn't mind as I currently face the opposite problem of not being able to sleep.)

either way. guess it hides my tired face. 

Glad Monday is over and 4 more days to Spring Break. 


  1. You are so funny and CUTE! Those shoes are just lovely!

  2. love this - the dress is adorable!!

  3. Thanks for your comment! Glad the weather is warming up for you!

  4. I adore that dress! i have a thing for button up dresses...they're so cute :)

    I'm cracking up that you're trying "artistic" poses, because I am terrible at that!
    But you did a good job!

    Hope you had a wonderful day, girl!

  5. I love that pose and I think it's a great solution to the small eyes thing. And your outfit is super cute!! I love those yellow flats - are they at Target this spring season?

  6. I am loving your dress with the belt! Great shoes too!!!

    P.S. if you find anyone who's eyes are wide and alert after just waking up, let me know ;)

  7. love the dress with the belt and the touch of yellow with the shoes!
    xx jes, newest follower

  8. It does look very artistic :)
    I love anything plaid. I have a plaid dress all ready for picture day this week!

  9. That dress is adorable!
    Such a lovely look on you lady!
    And I was tempted to do an outfit post on my normal attire...jeans and a tee. he he....
    Someday soon.
    Have a wonderful day ahead!
    x, Anna

  10. It's not even 7am here, and let's just suffice it to say...ain't lookin to pretty! LOL Love your outfit. And, what an inspiring thing to do for young girls!!

  11. I love this outfit and your model-y pose. You should teach it to Lauren in law : )

  12. Ohhh LOVING the plaid dress Katie - so cute! And you a rocking the sleeping while standing up blogger pose :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  13. Haha Katie, your new pose works well! The plaid dress is super cute on you!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. Cute outfit! (And I always do the looking down trick. It's an easier way for me to get a decent shot of my outfit without a goofy expression getting in the way... not that you'd ever have that problem.)

  15. That pose worked. I do the same, when I;m tired or not confident about how I look like at certain days, I try to look away from the camera which usually turns out OK :)

  16. That is probably one of the cutest plaid dresses I have seen in awhile! Whoo hoo, I agree yay for MOnday being over!

  17. I have small eyes too--you totally rocked this pose and I love that you're coaching girls on the run! I'm swinging by from Monday Mingle (even though it's Tuesday). This week I'm sharing denim trends on my style post

  18. I think it's hilarious how you always mention your small eyes--the things that we hate about ourselves that no one else notices. :) Love the dress!

  19. Great spring dress! How cool that you are coaching a girls' running group.

  20. I can relate to not sleeping. Thanks for sharing, good to know I am not the only one not sleeping enough. Cute outfit by the way. Enjoy Spring break.

  21. I think your running outfit is cute!

  22. Love the belted dress style!

  23. i do love a nice shirt dress, and i love the pop of yellow with the shoes... soo pretty! :-)

  24. Great plaid shirt dress. You look really cute!

  25. Love and adore your outfit and enthusiasm! Thank you for providing such fashionable inspiration.

    Have a well dressed day!

  26. My eyes look pretty rough when I'm tired too! Love those sunny flats!


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