April 12, 2012

High Five for Friday

cardigan: gift   dress & necklace: Old Navy  shoes: target  leggings: kohls

1. Yeah for bright colors!

2.  I saw this recipe on pinterest yesterday and can't wait to make it.

Mini Chicken Pot Pies

3. My sister and I were talking the other day about outfits like this: 


Here they look so cute and trendy when they're these little mini outfits, 
but we think about what it looks like when we wear hoodies and jeans - not so cute.
 or trendy. 
more like just sloppy. 

What is going wrong?

4.  Chris and I got to go away last weekend and it was wonderful. 
Thankful for some much needed quality time together. 

 and I'm pretty sure Wisconsin is just filled with beer, cheese and pretzels bigger than our heads combined. 

which I was definitely not complaining about. 

5.  I have a serious addiction to sweets and I think I may need help. 
(I'm even eating a bag of jelly beans as I write this). 
Got any suggestions for me? 

I'm looking for something better than "just stop eating them." 

Happy weekend! 


  1. if you find a cure for your sweet tooth, please share! i am desperate. "not eating them" is simply not an option. perhaps i should learn portion control? even that seems futile... love love love the bright colors in your outfit! i have seen those shoes at target, and cannot believe i haven't purchased them :) they look adorable with your dress!

  2. Cant believe that necklace is ON, so cute! Glad yall got some time away and I would love to live in the land of pretzels and beer :)

  3. Beer, cheese and pretzels. You nailed us Wisconsin-nites! But you forgot the brats! Lol



  4. Adorableeee outfit! And that necklace is gorgeous! So glad you two were able to get away- those are always nice!

  5. jelly beans are my vice of all vices.
    i have no advice because i have the same problem.
    i am chewing one as i type this.

    so, no... i don't have suggestions.
    actually i do! just finish them right before bed. that way you don't have to worry about it until the morning???

  6. Holy crap!! That's a pretzel?! It's ginormous!
    Glad y'all got a mini-vacay : )

    Also, I'm so jealous that you always look so stinkin cute : (

  7. As I'm eating M&Ms, I realize that my sweet tooth is getting worse with age. Let me know if you get any good suggestions!

  8. Jelly beans??? Yes please! Your outfit is just so darn cute! I love all of your bright colors. I'm so glad that you are your husband got to go away for the weekend, you just need times to get out and enjoy each other's company.

  9. I love this outfit. You are the master of being put together and insanely comfortable at the same time. I particularly love the necklace!

  10. I love this outfit. You are the master of being put together and insanely comfortable at the same time. I particularly love the necklace!

  11. 1. That outfit is adorable
    2. I ate 2 bags of jelly beans this week... eek!

    happy friday :)

  12. Oh my gosh those mini chicken pot pies look sooo yummy! I want one now :)

  13. The cobalt with the orange is so pretty together! And that recipe looks delicious...you always post the best recipes, Katie! Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. That pretzel is HUGE! Beer, cheese and pretzels sounds amazing :)

  15. Is that a GIANT pretzel?!
    OH MY GOSH...it's huge lol!

    I love that necklace that you're wearing...such a pretty color!

    Sweets are my weakness too...instead of giving them up...I just work out extra hard ;)

    Happy weekend, girl!

  16. holy crap katie! that pretzel is huge! and so yummy! i drool over Aunti Em's in the mall every time I pass. If you get any secrets for that sweet tooth, pass them on! Mine is HUGE!!

    And I had to laugh over that outfit - so true! All these outfits look so sporty chic but when I put my hoodie it looks like "workout on top" "casual saturday on the bottom" haha

  17. Hmm.. jelly beans, I don't know, maybe eat so many they make you sick, and then you won't want to eat them for a while LOL
    You look cute in your pics. Have a great weekend.

  18. Where in Wisconsin did you go?! I live near Green Bay... And yes Wisconsin = Beer and Cheese. And the Packers. The end :)

    P.S. - Love your outfit in the first picture.

  19. Holy smokes that is the biggest pretzel I have ever seen! It looks amazing:) Have a good Friday the 13th!

  20. That necklace is from Old Navy!?! No way!! Is it recent? Maybe I can get someone to buy it for me since I am on a shopping freeze! :) I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that pretzel...holy smokes!! Did you guys eat it all? Happy Friday!!

  21. I love your necklace! I've been buying statements necklaces like my life depends on it, but I think I need to go look for that one now, too haha!
    I'm addicted to sweets, too. Seriously addicted. And I got my hubs addicted, too, so now weekly frozen yogurt trips are mandatory in our house. I'll let you know if I find the cure!
    Happy Friday!

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  22. love your striped cardigan!
    and those mini pot pies look so yummy! (remind me of rainbows too lol).
    and thats a pretzel!!!???

  23. those mini chicken pot pies look delicious! re-pinning! Happy Friday!!

  24. cute outfit you are wearing
    loving the striped cardigan - cute

    thanks for the comment on my page blog, hope you follow

    Check out my GIVEAWAY - http://yajairasfashionnotes.blogspot.com/2012/04/200-followers-giveaway.html


  25. I loved our mini-trip to Milwaukee. Don't worry Cheese-Heads I did eat a brat too. Also, we almost finished the pretzel. I wrapped the extra in napkins and made KT put it in her purse. It made a great midnight snack on the drive home.

    1. Glad you didn't let any of the massive pretzel go to waste! So glad you guys got away!!

  26. i love that cute cardi! so fun and happy!

  27. I like the bright necklace! Great pop of color. Yeah I don't do hoodies because I feel like I look sloppy. But SO many girls can wear them and make them look stylish...Not me!! :)



  28. oh my goodness, that pretzel is huge! What a great combo with beer and cheese :) Happy weekend!

  29. I have a total sweet tooth too! I really need to cool it!

    And I love your mustard flats and striped cardigan in your first picture! I must get those!

  30. those mini chicken pot pies are so cute i can hardly stand it! happy friday!

  31. love your blog dear. following! <3


  32. I agree with you about the jeans and hoodies. I always want to wear those outfits too, but when I actually do, they never look right...so I only wear them in my house. :P

    Holly :)
    Just dropping by from #FF!

  33. I have a big problem with sweets too. I downed a whole big bag of chocolate eggs pretty much all by myself!
    I knew I loved that outfit...because I LOVE Old Navy!!

    Thanks for your sweet words! I got that necklace at Versona's and the blue maxi from Belk. You're sweet :)

    Enjoy your weekend too, Katie!


  34. Love your stripes, and that necklace is so cute!

  35. hahaha wowww that pretzel is ginormous!! i've been addicted to sweets lately as well... mmm jellybeans sound good right now... hmm..

  36. Jellybeans and vacations in the Midwest? I'm going to love this blog! :)

  37. I am loving your blog!! I've just come across it ...can't even remember how now, I have just been clicking on all the blogs I find for some new people to follow and you are definitely one them!

    I've got to agree with the outfit you posted and how it never looks that good in real life..I think the trick to making it look less sloppy is for the hoodie to be fitted and the jeans well fitted as well otherwise it all just gets too baggy. The accessories help too!

  38. Great post! Love the necklace and the pop of color it brings to your look :)

    Thanks so much for linking at Drab to Fab!

    Today's party link: http://www.amynjesse.com/2012/04/drab-to-fab-link-up-13-features.html

    Have a great weekend! :)



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