April 8, 2012

There's only love in tennis

dress: Steve & Barry's $4 (before they went out of business a few years ago)  boots: dsw

 Last weekend Chris and I played tennis for the first time since last summer.
Chris was pretty much a tennis star in high school.

Take a look at his picture that is proudly on display at our high school's hall of fame.  

While he can be proud of his tennis skills, he failed miserably when it came to his hair and clothing choices.

I enjoyed learning something new last summer and felt like I started to get decent last year.  

It was nice to be able to play together last weekend, although when we moved on from just volleying back and forth and tried to play a game I didn't do so hot. 

I have to say that saying "love, 30" or "love, 40" is much better sounding then saying your score of zero over and over.  Whoever made that up was definitely keeping in mind the self esteem of those not so good at tennis.  


  1. Love the dress! It looks so comfortable. That is the most hilarious picture I have EVER seen!

    Thanks for posting. :)


  2. Ha! That picture of him is hilarious! So good that you can do something fun and exercise/healthy-wise together! Love the dress, I was so bummed when Steve and Barry's closed: their prices were amazing and I really liked their SJP line!

  3. What did your husband make you do in exchange for posting that picture?? Mine would make me bargain with something!
    I do love that dress though. Classic!

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by sweetie! Would you like to keep in touch and follow each other?

  5. That pic of Chris is amazing! Love your dress - looks super cute & comfy Katie :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. I used to buy so much stuff from Steve and Barry's when SJP had her Bitten line out. That photo of Chris is quite hilarious!

    The Tiny Heart

  7. Lovely as always. I love your dress! It looks comfy and perfect for spring

  8. that hair is cracking me up! haha love that you guys played! i have always wanted to unleash my inner monica selik....I just know she's in there!

  9. Haha, that photo of him is hilarious and priceless!

    You look so cute in that dress :)

  10. Laughed out loud at that picture!!! It's hysterical.

  11. That picture is awesome, much like your dress!

    Stopping by from Mingle Monday!

  12. That picture is hilarious!! Love it! I have always wanted to learn how to play tennis...glad you guys got the chance to do it together. Thanks for stopping by today and for the words of encouragement. I have the BEST blog friends ever!! It means so much!!

  13. ohhh I am so bad a tennis! My husband and I used to play against his brother and wife ... I was the worst partner...lol!

  14. Too funny! That picture is just hysterical! My husband was a huge tennis star back in the day and when he took me during college, I hit a car with the tennis ball as it flew out of the court and nearly caused a wreck. At least I had good hand-eye coordination... Right?? :) Sounds like you had a great weekend! Keep in touch!


  15. I loved Steve & Barrys - Great dress!

  16. omigoodness! Love that outfit girl

  17. I feel like I need to intercede on my own behalf and say that I look much better now! I am jealous of my trim figure back then though :)

  18. I haven't played tennis in soooooo long! Love those boots. Thanks so much for linking up to Monday Mingle!


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