May 13, 2012

Happy Anniversary

On May 14, 2005 my dad walked my 20 year old self down the aisle to marry you.  
My first boyfriend and my best friend.    

Sometimes I think the last seven years have flown by and others I can't even remember life without being married to you.  

The other day I was looking through our wedding scrapbook and found our wedding vows written out.  While we've both made mistakes and have had to ask for forgiveness many times, I'm so thankful that we have held true to our promises to each other.   God has blessed our marriage, year after year, for the last seven years.  

I know without a doubt we've made each other better people.  
We balance each other out in so many ways, 
and have grown and changed so much in the last seven years.   

Our first year of marriage seems like so long ago.  Living in our 700 square foot duplex and both being full time college students.  While marriage took some adjusting to, our life together was pretty easy and wonderful.

This last year has been by far the most challenging year we have faced.  God has broken us and drawn us closer to Him and closer to each other.  Even though this year has been incredibly tough, I wouldn't trade it.  We've become a different, stronger and closer couple.  
I couldn't ask for a better man to go through life with and daily thank the Lord for giving you to me.  

Whatever is ahead for us I know we will spend it loving each other and growing together.  

I love you Christopher Jason Vale. 

Happy 7 year anniversary! 



  1. Congratulations on seven years of wedded bliss!!

  2. This is so sweet!! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary! That was such a beautiful post...and you look gorgeous in your wedding dress Katie :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. Congrats and happy anniversary to you both :)
    Such a sweet post!


  5. This is so sweet :) Congratulations on 7 years!

  6. awww way to go! 7 years is a big one!! you guys look so happy. Happy anniversary to you and your man chica! Hope it was a special day!

  7. yay! happy anniversary!! love this girl!!

  8. Happy anniversary, Katie! I loved looking at your wedding photos, thanks for sharing them :)

    The Tiny Heart

  9. sweet! Happy Anniversary!

  10. These photos are so cute! Love it, Happy anniversary! :)

  11. Congratulations on 7 years of marriage! I still can't imagine being married that young, but I'm so glad it's worked for you :)
    Happy school-has-to-be-almost-over week!

  12. Happy Anniversary dear, congrats on seven years!! How time flies, huh?!

  13. Happy 7 years!!!! I love the wedding pics!!!

  14. wow, congrats dearest! seven years is amazing...praying for this year for you:) much love, Katie

  15. what a sweet post! happy anniversary!

  16. i love this post, so beautiful!

    happy anniversary! here's to many more happy and loving years together!

  17. Happy anniversary!!! Such sweet pictures! :)

  18. I LOVE YOU SWEETIE!!! Thanks for the kind words, and I know that I am the luckiest.

  19. Hi! Congrats on the anniversary! It is quite the accomplishment!

    I am wondering if you would be interested in swapping buttons for the month of June. My blog is comparable in size to yours. Let me know!


  20. Happy Anniversary...Love your both look so "in Love"~!
    ~Lisa @ OC

  21. Happy Anniversary! We currently have several friends going through marriage problems. It's so refreshing to read about people who are letting their "tough spots" (regardless of what's causing them) draw them closer to their spouses rather than pulling them apart.

    Just found your blog today and it's already been a blessing.


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