May 24, 2012

High Five for Friday

shirt: ?   maxi dress: old navy  sandals: target

1.   I bought this shirt years ago and haven't worn it forever.  Thanks to seeing shirts tied over dresses and skirts, I will now wear it again.

2.  Does anyone know how I can watch Giuliani and Bill online? for free?
I've seen the first few seasons, but badly want to watch the rest. 
I don't have cable and can only find it to buy on itunes and I don't want to pay $25 for each season.  Help!

3.  I plan on making these two desserts this weekend and am pretty excited about eating them.

mini deep dish fruit pizzas

sugar cookie fudge

4.  With a week a half of school left to go the kids (and myself) are getting pretty antsy.
Letters like this make it easier:

5.  I would pay someone to come teach my students long division.
Today it was pure torture for about 50 minutes for myself.  and probably them too. 

Yeah for a long weekend!!


  1. Loving your outfit! The color of your maxi dress is gorgeous!

    Haha, I remember learning long division, that was torture!

    Have a great long weekend!

  2. Pretty outfit! I think the shirt would look great with skinny jeans and a scarf too.

    That's such a cute letter, too! And that fudge? divine!


  3. might have it... I know Netflix has it, that's not free but it's like $7 a month for a ton of shows.

  4. LOVE that outfit combination. I'd try for your show. They have just about everything!

  5. bold and fun ideas for this season.

  6. i wish I could do long division... i'm terrible at math haha

  7. that note is so sweet! I bet you're an amazing teacher :)

  8. Love the outfit, and the letter......I love when my students send letters like that! Do you teach third grade? I teach fourth and have a whole long division system that works pretty well. Want me to email it to you???


  9. Aww what a sweet letter from your student! Moments like that make this career precious :) Our last day is tomorrow (hooray!)- you can do it!!!

  10. Cute outfit! That sugar cookie fudge looks so yummy. What a sweet note from your student.

  11. Make the fudge, make the fudge, make the fudge :)
    I spent 30 minutes a day for 3 months, teaching long division this year. Practice, practice, practice. Have a great Friday, Katie!

  12. Both desserts look delicious, I may have to make one :)

    happy friday xo

  13. If left unattended, I would eat an entire fruit pizza on my own which, I believe, possibly ruins the idea of fruit pizza.

    Ugh you can't watch G&B?!? that is no good! Have you checked the style network website? maybe it plays there?!

  14. oh my gosh, that letter is so sweet! you must be a super super teacher!! and those desserts..i might be making those this weekend as well. enjoy your weekend!

  15. Love your outfit!! And I adore G&B. Hope you can find a away to watch!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  16. My oh my drooling over both the sugar cookie fudge and the fruit pizzas! I must try the recipes. Hope you have a lovely weekend dear!!

    xo Shane

  17. That fudge looks AMAZING!

    And how about, 2 high fives for Friday!?

    Try or netflix to get the show. We don't do cable either and pay about $8 a month for both of those and watch anything we want! It's awesome!

    Have a fantastic weekend, Katie!


    It's an Easy Life

  18. Aww what a sweet, sweet letter :)
    Melted my heart!

    And I love that green skirt on your - so pretty!

    Happy weekend, girl!

  19. Aww, that letter is the sweetest! And speaking of sweet, that fudge looks amazing. Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  20. 1. Love the outfit!
    2. I can't help you.
    3. I'm pretty sure I will get to taste those desserts this weekend so I'm really excited about that because no one does desserts like you.
    4. I wish I had you as my teacher when I was younger.
    5. Long division sucks but I love you!

  21. Sugar cookie fudge, yes please!! Why have a never seen this deliciousness before??? Hang in's almost quittin' time and Summer will be here!!! Have a super weekend!

  22. Really digging that maxi skirt. It's a great color, and it is flattering on you.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  23. LOVE the green maxi dress.. I think I should invest :) Happy weekend!

  24. I am loving those two desserts! I hope they are as good as they look! Sugar Cookies are yum-o! :) Cute idea to put a shirt over a maxi dress! I'd probably just look huge, though, but you pulled it off well!
    ~Lisa @ OC

  25. I have that SAME SHIRT!!!!!!! It was from Forever 21, I think????

  26. Those mini deep dish fruit pizzas look SO GOOD.

    PS - emailing you. Check it ;)

  27. LOVE your dress! (:

    Aw, those types of letters just put the biggest smile on my face. Makes teaching kiddos all I want to do!

  28. Oh my goodness. That sugar cookie fudge seriously sounds like one of the best things ever! I would love the recipe. :)

    You look amazing in your maxi dress! Honestly, I know they're super popular right now, but I've never liked the look of them on anyone...until you! Maybe the trick is to put a shirt over it? Love that idea!

    {p.s. found your blog through High Five for Friday's and I'm loving it!}

  29. Love the maxi - love the treats - love the letter - do not love long division. I remember teaching it during my student teaching. I think I was as stressed as the kids.

  30. love that maxi, katie! you look great! xoxo linds {{}}

  31. Your maxi is such a pretty green color and I really like the print of your top! And wow the deep dish fruit pizzas look really good :)

  32. I love your maxi skirt! The color is so pretty!


  33. you look great in that skirt! way to work the trend :) That note your precious student wrote you is seriously one of the sweetest things Ive seen. That right there must make teaching worth it! :)

    The House of Shoes

  34. I hated long division. Or any type of division. I was so (and still am) terrible at math. Thank goodness I made it through school!


  35. What a great maxi skirt! I love the green color!! And those deserts look so amazing! I haven't had fruit pizza in so long!!!
    I would love for you to visit my blog sometime!


  36. Just found ya :)
    Sugar cookie fudge...YUM.
    Eat Cake

  37. Love that skirt and those mini fruit pizzas look delicious!

  38. love the skirt-very cute-over from hollie takes notes


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