June 7, 2012

High Five for Friday

denim shirt: old navy  dress: kohls  sandals: target

1. I kind of feel like a cowgirl in this outfit.  All I need is a good pair of cowboy boots, which I have yet to buy.  Perhaps next Fall? 

2.  I made this for my family this week and it was so simple, but my family absolutely loved it.  Chris wanted me to make it the day after and my mom plans on making it tomorrow night.

Meatball sub casserole


3. Could I have a cuter nephew?
absolutely not.

4. I'm a little concerned that the content of this blog in regards to fashion posts may start slacking now that it is summer.  My summer style consists of flip flops and dresses, usually accompanied by unbrushed and unshowered hair.

Just so you're prepared. 

5. I also made this recipe this week.  Both recipes this week were from plain chicken blog. If you don't already, you should start checking this blog regularly.  It always has easy and delicious recipes.

Nutella S'mores Pulls


The only thing I did differently is use french bread instead of sour dough bread.  I like sour dough bread, but figured as far as dessert goes, I'd rather have french bread.

Happy Friday friends!  I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. YUM and YUM, both of those dishes look so good!

  2. i'll take your outfit, your dinner and your dessert....thanks ;)

  3. Ooooh those meals look delish!

    I think dresses in the summer are perfect! I'll still be excited to see what you wear :)

    Your nephew is adorable!

  4. OH MY GOSH i am making that meatball sub casserole ASAP!

  5. Your outfit is so cute, I love the denim shirt tied casually over the dress! And ahhh so yummy, I want to eat both the meatball sub casserole AND the Nutella S'mores Pulls. Whenever I cook, the food always turns out looking very ugly but the food you make doesn't! So jealous of your cooking skills :P

  6. Yummmmmmmm! And now I have a new recipe blog to stalk :-)


  7. yummy! i think i might need to come over for dinner :) and after, we can go on an epic shopping adventure to kohl's and target :) have a great weekend, lady!

  8. I love your outfit, it definitely needs some boots. :)

  9. I am sorry did you write something in this post I couldn't concentrate because I was to busy drooling over your yummy recipes!

  10. Oh my word, those two dishes look AMAZING!!! I just might have to pin them :)

  11. My wardrobe slacks a bit in the summer, too! So don't feel bad ;)
    It's just SO HOT and I feel like getting all cute is a semi-waste of time lol

    I LOVE your denim top!


  12. Love the chambray with the dress! too cute. and THANK YOU for sharing those recipes - they both look to die for!!

  13. I'm so hungry now!! I can't imagine why. ;)

    Love your chambray top. It's a crime that I have yet to purchase one. I need to get on that.

    Have a fab weekend!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  14. now i know what we're having for dinner and dessert tonight! yum!!! have a great weekend! go buy some cowboy boots (you deserve them)! =)

  15. That casserole sounds tasty! Yay for flip flops and unshowered hair! ME TOO!!!

  16. Your food is making me drool. Yum! Cute dress!

  17. The meatball sub casserole and Nutella s'mores pulls both look delish!

  18. Haven't I taught you anything?!? You have to get yourself a pair of cowgirl boots!!! ;) They would be perfect with this cute little dress! Have a FAB weekend, sweet girl!

  19. super cute!! and yes...cowgirl boots would be perfect paired with this outfit!! i have yet to buy some too! Well...i take that back...i bought some during christmas but my feet looked like skis! so i took them back the next day! and def need to make that nutella smores pull..wowsers!
    happy weekend!

  20. oh my gosh....that casserole!!!!! drooling!
    xo TJ

  21. Ahhh those both look amazing!
    And you do have the cutest nephew - how precious is he!? :) happy weekend, hun! xo

  22. I love how you tied your top, and your nephew is so cute!


  23. Any kind of bread would work for me! That looks amazing!

  24. thanks for becoming a new blog follower, katie!


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