June 4, 2012

I'll be happy when . . . . .

dress: H & M  shoes: target

Sometimes I have thoughts that I need certain things in life to make me truly happy.  

I read this post by Shauna Niequist and it really made me think about what I do so often without really thinking about it.  

I find myself putting so much pressure on certain things, 
that I feel if they happen then my life will be perfect, like . . . 

I'll be happy when I'm get pregnant.  

I'll be happy when Chris gets a job that pays more money and allows him to not travel. 

I'll be happy if I feel more confident in how I look or in my abilities.  

By thinking these things I am saying that God and the place where he has me in life is not enough. 

I think God does put certain desires in our hearts, but I think the problem is when I think I need that answer in order to be happy. 

My happiness and joy should not be resting in these things but in the fact that I have a God that loves me and knows my every need and will fill my life with exactly what I need in His timing.  

I want Him to be enough to make me filled with joy.  


  1. what a beautiful post! i really need to be better at being happy in the now and knowing that everything is in God's hands! beautiful!
    xo TJ

  2. Katie I love your heart and how you have the ability to share what you are truly feeling. Love you :)

  3. thank you for sharing this lovely post. we all need reminders sometime and i am thankful for post likes these to kick my butt once in awhile and remind me that all is good. life is good. xo

  4. I'm the same way in that I find myself fixated on achieving one specific thing or solving one problem, like if only I could do blank then I would be so much happier. Thanks for the reminder that through Him the happiness or peace we're seeking is right here, right now!
    - kelsey @ http://kelseyelizabetha.blogspot.com/

  5. Tell me about it! It is so easy to make that comment and say I'll be happy when this happens. I am learning more and more each day to be content with where I am because to be honest it isn't bad at all :)

    I love your dress!

  6. P.S. can't wait for you to get your necklace! You will love it! I'm excited to see how you wear it!

  7. Oh man, you always post this stuff at earily perfect times!

    This reminds me of a talk a couple we are friends with at church gave on contentment.....and how important it is to learn to rejoice with what we have....before God hands us more.


    This is their website......same vibe as your post :-)

    Thanks for this post, it was needed today!


  8. My mom always tells me not to wish my life away. It's so easy to do! Thanks for reminding me that I need to be happy "now". I can see how "when he comes home" for me and "when I have a baby" for you equal happiness, but we do need to enjoy the "right now" :)

  9. Love this post. It's so easy to forget all the wonderful things that God has given us and instead focus on the things we want. Thank you for this reminder!

  10. such a great reminder. so often we look for things in the world when we need to look to Him for our comfort and satisfaction. :)

  11. So SO true! It is very easy to get wrapped up in the "wants" and "desires" of our human hearts, when in reality we have all we need because of Christ. Thank you for sharing this!

  12. Your posts always make me think about everything I'm grateful for Katie - thanks :) Love that maxi dress, such a pretty color on you!

    The Other Side of Gray

  13. What another great post! You always make me think about the things I am grateful for. Your dress is a great color.

  14. i used to think like that all the time. and now i still have great hopes for the future, but i also make sure that i am happy in the present. great post!

  15. i always love reading your posts like this. i can be the same way...i always seem to think i'll be happier with certain things and want them NOW. you are def not alone. ;-) you look gorgeous by the way!! we are finally getting an H&M soon ;-)

    i feel like i havent commented in forever! and you are the best do-it-yourselfer ever!! love the neon stripes below!

  16. Love your dress! What a great post, and great reminder to be happy in the blessings He has given us!

  17. Uhhgg, ditto girl, I hear ya! In my personal finance class we read an article about if you had more money, would that truly make you more happy? The jist of the article was that your happiness depends on you and your attitude, and what you make of it. If you have more money, you will just have new problems to worry about. But then again... there's always that little saying... money can't buy you happiness, but I'm happiest when I can buy what I want, when I want, wherever I want. haha LIFE! Whatcha gonna do? Take it day-by-day and know that the sun will always shine tomorrow. :)

  18. I think it's important to be happy with what we have right now :) Thanks for the inspirational post, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  19. Such a great word of truth :) Thanks for sharing your heart.

  20. This is so true. I put so much pressure on myself but I should enjoy where I am and what's going on in my life right now. Love your dress btw :)


  21. how super cute!
    love the dress!!!
    you look so cute

    ps. i am having a giveaway if you would like to participate :)

  22. Contentment can be difficult... but it's so good to remember that His grace is sufficient! Beautiful dress!

  23. LOVE this! And how quick we are to turn our heads to the things of the world... it happens to all of us. So nice to see a post that reals us back in!

    It's an Easy Life


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