June 25, 2012

A scenic walk

dress & flats: Target  belt: thrifted

Last weekend Chris and I went on a walk in the forest preserve by our house.
The first few years of marriage I would often get frustrated when we would go on walks.  To me I would go walking with the intention of getting some exercise, meaning I'd want to walk at a decent pace.  Well this rarely happened, as Chris' "comfortable" pace is quite slow. 

Over the years I've learned to look at our walks more as time together and then I don't get annoyed at how long it takes us.  

Due to Chris' love for nature, as well as his ADD we often stop many times throughout our walk.  
This is typical throughout our walk: 

Those are perfect raspberries, we need to find some to pick. 

Did you hear that cat bird?  Listen. It is mimicking me. 

Taste this raspberry. In't it delicious?

Do you hear that bullfrog? We should find him.

We should pick all these raspberries and make jam.

Why didn't we bring a bucket?

Look at this (those white flowers that are old dandelions I think).  
Then proceeds to blow and throw multiple in the air.  

Guaranteed our future children will love going on walks with him. 


  1. I bet your children will have great memories from family walks!

  2. Awe, so sweet! It's like the old saying goes, "Take time to stop and smell the roses...or to pick the raspberries!" :)

  3. That is so cute you two got your walking routine down and love this dress on you and the color is so flattering and perfect with the belt


  4. That dress is adorable, looks so comfy!! Your routine sounds so similar to my routine with my husband and pup. I look forward to those walks and time with them more than anything else!

  5. So sweet. Reminds me of Sean when he says, just want to let you know we're going on this walk, not for exercise, just cause. I would get so frustrated when he wouldn't walk fast enough, lol.

    Your future kiddos will def love their walks with their papa :)

  6. We like going on walks together in the morning. We look at the other houses in the neighborhood and make plans for our house :)

  7. So sweet!! I can rarely get Zach to go on walks but we have the best talks when we do. Love the dress, too!

  8. Haha- that is hilarious!!! That is probably what I sound like to Nate... if we ever took walks, that is! We try with our dogs, but ultimately get frustrated that one or the other isn't walking correctly or their leashes get twisted. Gotta love it! Adorable outfit too!

  9. Love the purple with the red and leopard! You look great!

  10. Aww, how sweet! And you look so cute.

    Christen :>

  11. Aw, that's his role.....to get you to slow down and NOTICE!


  12. I love the belt with the dress!


  13. I like going for walks with the intention of exercise, but I walk waaay too slow for my husband. He always wants to go for runs (I don't run) and thinks walking is a waste of time. Opposites we are, Katie :)

  14. haha your walks sound fun :) I love this dress, purple is gorgeous on you!


  15. Love this...and I can completely relate. I often will go on my own run before our walks so I can fully enjoy our slower walks...

  16. You look gorgeous, as usual! And I love this post...too cute. Y'all are so precious! Happy Monday!

  17. Haha - sounds like my husband too! Is there really such a thing as a cat bird? That's ironic :) LOVE your purple dress Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  18. You guys are so much fun. I love Chris, and you described him perfectly. Is a cat bird a real thing? You look adorable, as usual : )

  19. Oh, walks with the husband are always fun. Both Angel and I are easily distractable during a walk--neither one of us would be too interested in getting a workout!
    I love your dress! Simple and bright!

  20. Haha, how funny! Walks with my dogs take forever...Oliver always want to sniff every single blade of grass.

    The Tiny Heart

  21. i used to feel the same way about bike rides with my fiance. but like you, i have just learned to enjoy our time together!

  22. Taking walks is my all time favorite when I go home! I love everything about the dirt road we lived on growing up!! Sounds so country, but I def learned a lot living there.

  23. Haha this post made me laugh. Your husband is too funny! My husband literally said the same thing about berries. We saw some blackberry bushes a couple months ago on a walk around the lake, and just the other day he said we should go see if the berries have grown yet so we can pick them! I just don't know if I could eat wild berries without being terrified that they are actually poison. Oh those boys and their ideas!

  24. so funny!! and that would totally be me lol! glad you are "enjoying" the walks now ;-) and cute photos by the way!! and happy 500 followers!! yay!

  25. First off, I love the dress! It's so simple and cute, and the red belt is really a nice contrast.
    This was a really cute post too! I love going on walks just cause too, especially when I have my camera. Take time to smell the roses, you know?


  26. I love a good nature hike with the hubs; we do that every so often in his grandparent's hardwoods. Something about it is so relaxing and serene. A must do!

  27. Cat birds are real! They make a long high pitched meeeeeeeoooooooww sound. And Katie said the raspberries tasted great!

  28. hahah i love it! that look is gorgeous (first of all) and secondly, your hubs sounds SO MUCH LIKE mine!! lol

    still being [molly]

  29. hahaah love this post!!! and you look darling in purple!

  30. sounds like such a nice couple time together! And tell me where those wild raspberries are... I want some!

  31. Cute casual summer outfit! :) New follower


  32. Precious. That sounds like a wonderful walk. :)

  33. Nice pics! It sounds great :)

  34. So sweet! My husband and I take our dog for evening walks but we aren't in the nature too much. I wish I could find some fresh berries to pick.

  35. My husband is the same way, he has ADD too. I find it annoying sometimes but I have to say, it does seem to make him really great with kids!


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