July 31, 2012

Cupcake Love

I'm so excited to share another one of my blogging friends today!  Amanda from For Love of a Cupcake was one of the first girls I meet when I started my blog and she is wonderful.  We have quite a lot in common - like our love for shopping, working out, and love for our puppies!  One thing I wished I had in common with her is the ability to pull off the hippie look.  She looks adorable and is sharing her love for head wraps with you today!


Hey ladies!!
It's Manda from For Love of a Cupcake!
I am super duper excited to be on Katie's blog today!
She is just the sweetest ever...but you already knew that!!

eek...it took me forever to decide what I wanted to write about lol.

Do any of you have an obsessive personality?

I am guilty!

If you've seen me over on the cupcake blog then you know I have quite a few obsessions at the moment.

One of them being head wraps.

I am up to 4!
(I would have 5 but I gave one to my little sis)
I'm sure you ladies prob have more than me tho!

Anyways...I thought I would show you my wraps!
If you think you can't wear them....you can!
You just have to 'own it'.
Don't care what others think!

So let me just say...this is the real me!
I try to pose and whatnot for my outfit posts...
but I seriously have no clue what I'm doing!

I got these at Three Bird Nest
but have some more coming from Grace and Lace!
I hope y'all enjoyed these silly photos...

Thanks for guest posting for me today Amanda!  You are the best!


  1. This blog is full of charm and inspiration!

  2. love those! i wish i could pull off those head wraps. you look so fun!!

  3. I agree with Katie I totally wish I could pull of the head wrap/hippie look too! I would just look ridunkulous! Checking out your fun blog!

  4. love these!!!
    they look so hippie and I am getting some soon!

  5. I love them!

  6. i use a leopard silk scarf as a head wrap constantly, though mine has more of an early 20th century turban look. super goofy.


  7. cauuuuttteeeeee!

    love the blog girl!

    love, rach.

  8. Katie, you're right! She's the cutest little hippie. =) I'm so envious of her gorgeous hair and headwraps!


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