August 8, 2012

Camping - Lessons Learned

Be prepared for a picture overload. I couldn't help myself. 

Last week my family went camping and overall we had such a great time. 
I learned a few things while I was there. 

I'm a little (maybe a little more than a little) more high maintenance now than I was when I was younger.  Things like my own shower, bathroom, mirror, etc. definitely weren't an inconvenience  when I was eight. 

I am an official converter to the one piece swimsuit. 
For those of you that asked before, this one is from Old Navy but is a year or two old. 

I'm thankful for the men who set up our campsite when we got there.
This little man even did his part.

I don't think I could ever eat enough s'mores to make me feel sick or to get tired of them.

My sister is one of the strongest woman I know. After being diagnosed with Lyme's disease a few weeks, and feeling quite terrible she still wanted to go camping.  And then after a health scare and trip to the ER while we were camping she was beyond a trooper with such an amazing attitude.
She is incredible.  

My nephew is now officially a runner.
And I'm already planning to fulfill a dream of mine and run a mini race with him this next year.
We did quite a lot of practicing while we were camping.  
Starting stance, countdown, finish line. We did it all.

I have the most sweetest, cutest and most loving nephew in the world. 
(This one I already knew, but think so even more.)

I appreciated the break from phone, internet and even blogging. 

 These kids LOVED the beach and we had so much fun playing.

Camping is hard when you have little kids.  Even with nine adults. 
But luckily the kids don't even have a clue and loved it. 
Flies, dirt, wind.  Nothing bothers them.  
(I can't say the same for myself.)

I absolutely love my family and feel like they are my greatest blessing.


  1. Oh my gosh! This post makes me think about my childhood! We always used to go camping over Thanksgiving Break...because my mom hates cooking lol!

    We always had such a great time...and it looks like you did, too :)

    And I know this doesn't have to do with this post but I just HAVE to tell you...I am LOVING the dark hair, girl!


  2. Awwww, your niece and nephew are are adorable! It looks like y'all had a blast. We did a fun run with Gabe when my husband did his marathon and Gabe absolutely loved it. When I do my half, we'll probably do that one too.

    My sis-in-law has lyme disease, too. She's had it since she was 12 and she's in her 30's now. I'll be praying for your sister!

  3. Looks like a great time was had by all! Your niece and nephew are adorable!

  4. i love your picture overload!!! how do you look so stinkin cute with no bathroom or mirror!

    and i love your one piece

    oh and your new brown hair i saw on instagram!! welcome to the brunette club (fyi...there's not really a club..but there should be!) ;)

  5. Fun pictures! Your swimsuit is adorable: I converted to the one piece swimsuit this year too and I am such a fan!

  6. Sounds like so much fun! I haven't been camping since high school (15+ years ago), but I always enjoyed it. I have a feeling though, that I too am a bit more high maintenance now than I used to be! ;)
    That is a great one piece - and you look great in it. ;)

  7. glad you had a great time but I am shocked, shocked I tell you that anyone could ever be sick of s'mores....LOL

  8. What cuties!! Looks like a blast..I love camping (and s'mores!).

  9. i think my fave part about camping is the smores!!
    Sandy a la Mode

  10. What a great weekend!
    I really like the one piece look, but idk if I can pull it off...they tend to make my fat bulge. lol. Love your suit!
    Your sister is definitely a trooper!

    You are so blessed.

  11. So glad you had a fun time! Love the s'more pics...I'm planning on indulging on a few this weekend myself!

  12. Camping on the beach!? That looks fabulous. I understand being a little more high maintenance now... after spending so much time keeping my hair and skin in tip top shape I wouldn't want to let my routine down! haha
    You are too cute in that fun swimsuit!

  13. Oh wow, so much I love in this post! I love your bathing suit, I love your sweet nephew & the fact that you all are going to run together, I love all the pictures, I love your swimsuit, I love the beach, I love family and I love camping. Matter of fact, we are going to try and go this weekend :)

    Happy Thursday!

  14. These pics are great!!! I love love love family vacations!!!
    What a cutie your nephew is!

  15. What a great post, thanks for sharing! I don't think I could tent camp anymore, we now have a small trailer with a bathroom (thank god!!). I'm your newest follower!

  16. Such a great post! Loved seeing all these pictures, and makes me want to plan my own camping trip with my family - away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life! Looks like you had a great time :)


  17. I don't even know where to begin with this post!! We used to go camping for weeks at a time on this little island as a kid! I'm more high maintenance now too! Also...when I met eric...I would make smores every night for dessert! He thought I was crazy! And I love the photo of you racing!!! Xoxo

  18. I love your one piece! I think I need to make the switch...


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  19. These pics are precious and I love your striped bathing suit in the first few pics. Hot momma!

  20. that swimsuit looks great on you! I enjoy camping because I CAN'T see a mirror the whole time so I don't realize how bad I look!

  21. that swimsuit looks great on you! I enjoy camping because I CAN'T see a mirror the whole time so I don't realize how bad I look!

  22. Wow! It looks like you had an awesome time :-) We went camping so much as a child so this brought back a lot of memories -- showering with daddy long leg spiders is a big one (EEEEK!)

    That is so cute that your nephew was running with you. Have you heard about the Chick-Fil-A Run With A Cow race? It's a 5K, but they have a race at the beginning where kids run with the Chick-Fil-A cow. Super cute!

    They did one back in May in our area. Check there website for details.

  23. Aww, these photos are so cute! It looks like everyone had such a fun time! I've never been camping and I don't think I could do it...I am way too attached to my hair dryer :)

    The Tiny Heart
    JEWELIQ Giveaway!

  24. How fun! We grew up camping (camper and tents)...while I hated it then it does bring back fun memories! Great pictures!!

  25. So fun! I'm glad I found this post, we were planning on taking our 1 year old camping, it makes me happy to see that it IS possible! You look cute in your one piece :)

  26. what a great post! and what a great trip (and family)!!

  27. looks like fun!!...I cringe at the thought of camping simply bc of the bathrooms.

  28. I'm so happy that you had an amazing trip! Love all of these pictures. Such adorable little kiddies. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. love! i love my nephew, too - so i understand how you feel. and girl, i LOVE me a one-piece swimsuit. this body just ain't meant for a two-piece anymore. and i'm okay with it.

  30. Awesome...what fun camping with family!!

  31. Cute swimsuit. Aren't babies at the beach about the cutest thing ever? I love to watch them.


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