August 16, 2012

High Five for Friday

chambray shirt: old navy (similar)  leggings: jcpenny  sandals: payless  necklace: ebay

1.  I already posted one outfit this week in these leggings, but here's another. 
And I have to admit these are actually jeggings, but I am not a fan of that word. 
So I'll probably not mention it again, and refer to them as leggings from here on out, 
as I will be wearing them about once a week once the weather is cooler. 

2.  Let's first acknowledge that my toenails look nicely painted, which rarely happens.
And secondly acknowledge that they match my necklace perfectly. 

What could beat this face?

3. I am seriously missing my niece and nephew.  When Travis was saying goodbye to me last week he gave me the biggest bear hug and said "Goodbye Aunt Katie. I love you the most." 
Seriously makes me heart happy but also breaks it too that he lives so far away. 

4. I finally started watching season 3 of Pretty Little Liars and can't get over the fact that
a) those girls looks older than me
b) they dress nicer than me and
 c) admiring their clothes is one of the draws of the show.

Seriously.  How old are they?
I think her clothes are my favorite:

But really?
Who wears pink skinny jeans and heels to check out a empty house where there may be a murderer? 

5.  Want to sponsor me in September?
I have lots of large and medium ad spaces left for only $5 or $10.
Read more here.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Totally stealing this outfit idea! I just got a chambray and I'm loving it :)

    What color is your toenail polish?! PRETTY!

    Have a good weekend, sweet friend!

  2. Love the chambray and bubble necklace!

    xo, Courtney

  3. I loveeeee that necklace!!!! And your blog of course!! I read it everyday!!

  4. I'm OBSESSED with PLL. Not sure I should have admitted that...but it's true. Aria's my favorite...and Ezra....oh, Ezra. I swoon.

    I reeeeally need that bubble always style it so well!

  5. You look great gorgeous! Love those sandals! Kori xoxo

  6. Chambray shirt and bubble necklace, gorgeousss!!!

  7. How are you watching season 3? I've been trying to get it online and no luck and I missed the first few episodes so I don't want to start it on TV right now.

    Love the outfit! So cute!

  8. "Jeggings" is definitely just a dumb word. I call them leggings too. I still need to find a chambray shirt. I might hit up Old Navy this weekend.

  9. Ok, I am putting you on notice that once the weather cools down around here enough, I will be copying this outfit! ;) Love it that much. ;) Also I own those leggings (because really what kind of a word is 'jeggings'? Ick) and I can't ever figure out what to wear them with. I like for my behind to be covered when wearing something that tight. ;)

  10. Aww what a cutie your nephew is! I am a new auntie - I have a 6 month old baby niece. I absolutely love and adore her to pieces. I can't imagine living far away from her! I can't wait til she can say Auntie Lily :)

    Cute post, I'm a new follower!

  11. Ahhhh I just love the chambray with the necklace! I am gonna have to try that look this weekend, I think! :) Cute, as always!

  12. I swear, I've been seeing that necklace EVERYWHERE. Hehe. I've never watched PLL, but people tell me it is a good show. Also, I dig the color of your toes.

  13. cute ensemble Dear love the necklace

  14. Haha I love their clothes too, but I prefer Aria's <3 and they're actually between 24 and 26. Loved your chambray shirt <3 so pretty

    Sabrilett's Armoire

  15. This is such a great casual look - LOVE the denim and that necklace! And yes your toes look awesome :)


  16. i love this outfit, katie. you are killing it! so cute and comfy! happy friday, girl. oh, and don't you know that i always wear things that are extremely hard to run in when i go to places where there could potentially be killers?

  17. My love on chambray is never ending. MY BUBBLE NECKLACE IS IN THE MAIL ANNNND I NEED IT TO BE IN MY MAIL BOX!!!

    Your Nephew is the stinkin cutest!!

    happy weekend!

  18. You are so beautiful! It makes me laugh that I own these leggings, shirt, and necklace, despise the word jeggings, love PLL (and Hanna's style), and think Travis is the best boy ever. We must be related : )

  19. And my toenails are the exact same color!

  20. I love the word jeggings because it just sounds so silly and wrong. They are very cute on you!

    I need to breakdown and finally get me a bubble necklace! I just love how much they add to an outfit!

    VERY cute toenails ;-)

  21. Leggings are so comfy! I'll be wearing mine again in the fall :) I've never seen PLL but maybe I need to check this show out! Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my group giveaway

  22. ahhh this makes me want to watch PLL! everyone says its so good! and the fashionis AMAZE! i'm wearing my bubble neklace today too - except in yellow! love this chic casual look! Happy Friday! **virtual high fives**

  23. television stars outfits are so unrealistic. Love the diff. colored denim combo though!

  24. I always love finding new ways to wear my chambray shirt but your necklace brought a tear to my eye...hahaha Just received my bubble necklace in the mail yesterday and the thing was a HOT MESS! Broken link, missing baubles, uneven amount of baubles on one side vs the other side. So sad...I've been waiting for that necklace 4eva! Have a great weekend!

  25. I was so close to wearing denim on denim just felt like that type of day. You make it look so good! I might have to change...

  26. You are so funny! The cute sandals are perfect!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  27. LOL! I hate the word jegging too!!!! I mean....we have to think of a better term. have a super weekend, Katie!!

  28. aw, i'm so mad that i haven't been able to see the third season at all. MISS IT!
    and their clothes are just perfect!
    xo TJ

  29. I love your outfit! I have jeggings and wear them a lot in the fall/winter! PPL is one of my favorite shows! I agree...their clothes are amazing and Hannah's style is my fav too :)

  30. I am with you on the word jeggings, it is just strange! We can be on team legging! I absolutely love the color on your toes, it is so perfect with the necklace.

    Have a great weekend!


  31. Love the color of your bubble necklace!

  32. ahhhh i love pretty little liars! and that necklace is beautiful!


  33. I really need to start watching this show...I've heard great things :)

  34. Love your leggings!! I'm going to hopefully pick some up for myself this weekend!

  35. I love your nails! Your nephew sounds so sweet. It's so hard to live far away from family!!

  36. I love your chambray shirt! I keep seeing countless cute ways to wear them, I don't know how I've survived without one of my own for so long!

  37. So glad I'm not the only one that hates the word "jeggings." Too bad I own several pairs, and yours, my dear, are too cute! LOVE this look :)

  38. Thanks for the necklace inspiration! And your nephew's face is my favorite. I love his smiles.

  39. I read somewhere that they are in their twenties. And the other girl( ςªŋ't remember ♓èл name) who's Emily's romantic partner is 30.

    Love your layering of a chambray shirt over a white tee.

  40. I have that exact chambray shirt, and I am pretty sure I wear it once a week. You look beautiful!!
    I have yet to catch on to the PLL craze. I never catch it when its on TV.
    Happy Saturday!

  41. I always admire they clothes! I wish I have more money :D

  42. Aww I miss my niece and nephews! He is so cute!

  43. Love this look! Chambray shirts for the win...and that necklace is KILLER! Love your blog, following you now!



  44. Love your outfit, especially the sandals. And the colour on your toenails is adorable.
    I've never seen Pretty Little Liars, but one of my friends is a big fan of the show.

  45. I love the chambray shirt! I just order my first one this weekend from the Gap. And the necklace...perfect! I've had one in my Ebay shopping cart for 2 weeks now and you've encouraged me to finally take the plunge!

  46. Um, you are prettier!

  47. i ADORE this outfit, friend! :) the bubble necklace is the prettiest color. you always do such a beautiful job of putting outfits together!


  48. Love the necklace. I was just in j.crew today but couldn't drop $130 on one of those babies! Definitely looking for other options!

    And yes, where are you watching PLL. I'm so behind!


  49. Love the bubble necklace... I never get tired of them. I have them in like 7 colors!


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