August 23, 2012

High Five for Friday

tank: maurices (similiar)  skirt: target (similar)  wedges: gap  necklace: NY&Co. ($7)

1.  Outfit confession #1: Thankfully I took this picture this morning because today it was 95 degrees and my school does not have air conditioning.  Which means my hair didn't look anything like this by the end of the day. 

2.  Outfit confession #2: My feet also did not look like this by the end of the day.
Instead they were wearing flats, as I clearly can't handle wearing heels for 8 hours. 

3.  Speaking of 95 degree weather, or actually the opposite of it.
 I am beyond ready for Fall.  All I want to do it wear my new fringe boots.

I also wouldn't mind owning these boots

Or this polka dot sweater.  I'm thinking I'll use some of my Old Navy rewards money for it.

4. A week or so ago I made some chocolate chip zuchinni bread and it was delicious. 
And the fact that there is a vegetable in the name just made it feel beyond healthy.

Recipe here

We can just forgot about the fact that there is cocoa and chocolate chips in it. 
And that I ate at least one whole loaf in a few days. 

5. Last weekend I got to celebrate my friend Jess at her bachlorette party.  
Everybody wore a different color wig - It was so much fun!

Can't wait to celebrate at her wedding on Saturday!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. You are so gorgeous!! Loving your outfit!

    That chocolate bread looks incredible!

    I have to say that you look hot in that purple wig!

    I own the polka dot sweater but in white and black. I haven't worn it yet because it has been too warm!

    Those blow fish boots are adorable!

  2. Live the wigs! What a fun bachelorette party idea!

  3. Love the mix of colors! You look beautiful. :)

  4. Your blue wedges are to-die-for. I have total and absolute shoe envy going on right now. Plus, I love the different colored wig idea for a Bachelorette party!

  5. Girl, down here in Florida I can't see an end to this hot weather and I'm READY to bust out the fall boots!!!

  6. Love this! Your wig is adorable and I saw on your instagram you had to change to flats- props to you for even trying!

    I can't believe your school doesn't have AC... HOOOWWW??

    It's an Easy Life

  7. I just bought that sweater online!! On sale. ;) great minds. What are old navy points??

  8. NO A/C?!?!?! KILLER.
    I hope you are hanging in there... I'm on my last thread of sanity and still have SO much to do before I have warm bodies in my class!

    As always you look supa supa cute!

  9. Let's switch schools, friend. I got some great new dress tanks and I'd LOVE to wear them to school without a jacket. I kept my coat on all day.

  10. Sweeeeet wig! Not everyone could pull that off, but you did a pretty good job of it! Oh, and those shoes? LOVE. Like, I'd almost maybe wear those to school if I had them. Well, if I wasn't so clumsy I tend to trip over my own feet. I love the outfit :)
    Okay, so our school has AC, but here in the Bay Area we do NOT need it! I wore a lace top with a tank underneath to school today, and I was freezing the entire time. For some reason, the teachers just won't turn it off, and I'm cold in every class! Sweatshirts in August in CA? You better believe it! It was 60 this morning!

    Happy Friday!


  11. Um, I want to be healthy too! I'll have some chocolate ZUCCHINI bread! LOVE it!

    Also, your CAPTCHA spam blocker is so annoying! I swear I have to try proving I'm not a robot like 4-5 times before it believes me!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  12. Cute outfit :) it's FRIDAY,, which means you made it through your first week! Welcome, Weekend! :) have a lovely one! XO

  13. Cute! I love your necklace! I'm also browsing around for polka dots lately. What a great find at Old Navy!

  14. That necklace is gorgeous, I can't believe you got it at NY&co, ahhhh now I must go try to track it down :P And those wedges are seriously so cute, I like the blue color. ME TOO! I am so ready for fall :)

  15. Your school doesn't have air conditioning?!!?? That's insane!

    And I never wear wedges to work, if I do....I regret it by recess!

    Have a great weekend my friend!


  16. you look lovely dear, and by the way ... love those blowfish boots! Have a great weekend!


  17. I love the bachelorette wig idea! That must have looked great with a big group of you.
    May steal that idea in the future, whenever the next of my friends is getting hitched :)
    Have an awesome weekend!

  18. Well, hey, at least you tried with the shoes! I know I can't last long in heels so I'll pretty much just wear them to church or to the movie theater--place where I know I'll be sitting most of the time anyways. :P

  19. Love the outfit! I cannot believe your school doesn't have a/c! =/

  20. Love the outfit! And those boots and polka dot shirt look like must haves! I need to go grab that sweater before they're all gone!

    And you sound like me, lol -- I bring an extra pair of shoes with me to work to swap out if I end up standing too long in my heels.

    Have a great weekend Katie!!

  21. That is a GREAT outfit! I really really really like it!!

  22. I LOVE this outfit! Every single piece!!! And that polka dot sweater is adorbs too!

  23. I love that necklace and I can't believe it was 7 bucks. Can I please go shopping with you? :)

    That looks like such a fun bachelorette party with the wigs! Have a wonderful time at the wedding!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter to win a gift card!(open internationally)

  24. So completely fell in love with your fringe boots after seeing your post a week or so ago... and then I was in WalMart this weekend and guess what I found!! Fringe boots!!! I cannot wait to wear them. Happy weekend :)


  25. You're going to have great fun at the wedding this Saturday - and I can't wait to see what you're wearing!


    PS - looks like your CAPTCHA is off! YEAH!

  26. Mmmm that bread looks amazing! And I love the necklace you have onion the first pictures... adorable!!

  27. can you taste the zucchini in the bread? ive heard of several people trying the recipe but i think it'd taste weird with zucchini and chocolate.

  28. Love those pops of blue and I wish I had some of that bread, its my fav!

  29. So drawn to your necklace - it's gorgeous! I love the pops of blue also (I'm rocking cobalt and orange myself today). I can't wait to try that recipe also..I'm a zucchini bread fanatic but the thought of adding chocolate into the mix makes my mouth water!


  30. My hair NEVER makes it to the end of the day and really for that matter neither do my heels.
    I love the necklace!!!

  31. I keep a pair of slippers and/or flip flops under my desk and am always in them by lunch time when I wear heels. Then I slip my heels on right at the end of the day before the parents come to pick them up!

  32. You look awesome with purple give Katy Perry a run for her money : ) Love those boots and you look so cute!

  33. You look so cute! Your school doesn't have air conditioning? I'd die. Love the wigs, that's so cute and so fun!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  34. Please tell me that necklace is recent!!! Love it!!!! And it's still in the 90s here too!! Go get that polka dot sweater now!!! You won't be sorry!

  35. lovin the blue shoes with the necklace. adorable!

  36. cutest outfit! love the multi-colors! Thanks for linking up for Just Because Friday today!

  37. Your blue sandals are super cute, but you're right, it is nearly impossible to be on your feet in heels all day! Have a fantastic weekend!

  38. Great Style. I follow your Blog now.
    Please follow me.

  39. I love wig parties!!! I totally agree that if it has zucchini in the name, you don't have to feel guilty

  40. I saw those sweaters at Old Navy too.

    Polka dots.

    They're just kind of like a pinstripe blazer.

  41. That orange necklace is gorgeous! It's a great deal too!

    Love this look altogether!
    Ty Az
    Please check out my blog and follow if you like at:
    (My Closet/Username is Ty Az)

  42. Loving your outfit! And what is up with these hot temps?? I thought fall was on the horizon? Adorable boots... I want them too! And that sweater... and that bachelorette party? What a great idea!

  43. I love this look! You look so cute!



  44. I want an excuse to wear a colored wig! Also, good call snapping photos first--after a long day, I never look good, haha.

  45. hold the phone! your school doesnt have A/C? WHY?!

    those booties are adorbs! i'm so into booties for fall!

    And i really want to try your zucchini bread! i had zucchini cake last night and it was so good!

  46. Haha, I'm the same way with sweets that have 'veggies' in excuse to eat every last bite! Also, love the polka dot sweater, I eye it every time I go to Old Navy!

  47. you look so cute! happy back to school time! and that bach party looks like so much fun. i wanna wear crazy wigs!

  48. Love that first outfit! Cannot wait for fall either!


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