September 10, 2012

Sometimes . . . .

 dress: Target   wedges: shoe outlet store

Sometimes I forget about things in my closet, like this dress I found on the Target clearance rack years ago and maybe wore once.

Sometimes I feel like my job is too much pressure. 
Being responsible for 22 students to teach them, encourage them and make them each feel important is a hard job.  

Sometimes I have a really hard time looking at pictures of people's babies and not getting a sick feeling of jealousy in my heart. 

Sometimes I wish I was training for a marathon.  That is one of the proudest I've ever been of myself.

Sometimes I feel guilty for being sad about not having a baby, when I know there are so many blessings in my life. 

Sometimes I so strongly hate the dentist and my teeth that I wish I had a mouth full of veneers so I never have to worry about the dentist.  

Sometimes I feel like blogging, sponsoring, advertising is like a big game.  And sometimes I want to be a part of it and other times I'm leery of it.  

Sometimes I still feel embarrassed that I have a blog and post pictures of my outfits. 


  1. I totally feel you on the marathon thing. I ran mine in 2010 and I felt so accomplished. And it was cool to say, I just did a 16 mile training run. No big deal. :)

  2. Don't be embarrassed, lol, I love the pictures of your outfit.

    But I hear you, sometimes I wonder why I blog but then I know that I'll really miss it if I stop.

    Also, you're only human so it is Ok to sometimes be down when something you really desire you do not yet have. You're only human.

  3. thanks for the lovely comment dear! just posted up a new outfit that you might like :) feel free to visit and follow if you'd like!

  4. That's ok. We all have worries and doubts. Stay Strong Katie! God is on YOUR side :)

  5. i love you, katie. i love your heart, your honest, your joy, and even you sharing in your sorrow. i can't believe you ran a MARATHON. i couldn't do it. no way Jose. i am just in awe of the way you shine Christ's light all the time.

  6. I love that dress! I actually made my mom buy it a could years ago because I thought it was super cute! And yet I bet it sits in her closet b/c she's afraid of orange :D

  7. You are so sweet and real! Don't feel embarrassed about your blog, we all love you and would be so sad if you weren't in this blog world and I absolluuteelly love that you can show adorable fashion with such a pure heart behind it! :) I admire you! Please don't stop! :)

  8. I'm going to do my first 5k this year and im scared! so i am so impressed with you.

  9. LOVE that dress! I wish I had gems like that hidden in my closet!
    Being a teacher is definitely a lot of pressure and requires TONS of patience...something I don't have much of. haha

  10. Score on finding that dress in your closet! Your hair is really cute in your marathon pictures! I feel ya on the dentist, I HATE going and always tell Garrett that I'd rather go to the gyno. Although, both are awful.

  11. We love your outfits and you so never be embarrased! I love those marathon photos of you. Oh girl, you KNOW I know how you feel baby wise. One day you will no longer have those feeling and you heart will be so full. Never doubt that. Hugs.

  12. Absolutely love that outfit!! Gorgeous :)

  13. Katie! I always love the honesty/simplicity of your posts :)

    I feel like I genuinely know you through your blog! Just had to let you know that!

    AND also that dress looks so fabulous on you!


  14. Sometimes I feel many of these same things! But it's okay to feel sad sometimes although counting my blessings does help. And you always have cute outfits! And yes, caring for so many sweet kids each day and trying to fill them with all good things in such a short amount of time is hard! But you're amazing!

  15. I LOVE your SOMETIMES! Sometimes it's OK and sometimes it's NOT, and that's OK too. :-)

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  16. Nice pics, loved
    Beijos Vanessa

  17. What a pretty dress! I love "shopping" in my closet and discovering new things...that's the best. I totally feel you on the dentist; I went today actually and it was AWFUL. Two new cavities and a sore, achy mouth later...I made it home to the couch where I resorted to Seinfeld and ice cream from the carton. Guess it didn't end so bad..... :)

  18. I couldn't agree more about the blogging game. Some days im totally into it and other days I wonder if I should be blogging at all. Love that dress on you!:)

  19. Girl, I feel the same way about teaching. Being responsible for 21 five year olds for 8 hours/day... yikes! But it's fun too :) And don't be embarrassed- your posts are so fun and fantastic!

  20. Reading this post, I realize we are very similar! Teaching, running, blogging, etc....

  21. It's ok to have doubts and feel sad. Just know that God loves you and will never leave you! And you look absolutely lovely in the dress! Praying for you :)

  22. i love you! and i LOVE your outfits :) you are one of the most positive and inspiring people i know. i would be honored to have you as a teacher, as i am sure many of your students feel. promise me you will keep blogging because i look forward to reading what you write!

  23. Couldn't agree more about the blogging game. Lately, I have developed such a love/hate relationship for the blog world. In regards to the teaching and pressure I think you should just got on strike....LOL AND I love that you will totally get that my fellow ILLINOISAN!

  24. Sometimes I think my students deserve a teacher who loves their state as much as they do. And then I get over that because, by having me, they're getting "an experience" lol.
    I like the dress :)

  25. Ooooh I didn't know you ran a marathon...that's awesome! Love your outfit today - you look so pretty :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  26. That is a gorgeous dress - those colors look perfect on you!


  27. You better not stop posting outfit pics, though. You are way too cute!!

    Good find (in your own closet)! I loveee that feeling.

    What grade do you teach?

  28. and sometimes, it's good to feel all those things. :) I LOVE that dress, by the way!

  29. aw, I like that you post pictures of your outfits, don't be embarrassed. You're giving people like me some ideas! I also dislike my teeth, because they were never good to begin with, but I'm actually excited to see the dentist next week. btw I love your blonde hair in your marathon pics!

  30. I ALWAYS love your outfits, don't be embarrassed! And I too sometimes (most of the time) get stressed about our's a big responsibility and I want to do it well!


  31. Don't be embarrassed! Just remember how many of us also blog about our outfits too :) I do feel like blogging can be a game at times too. Sometimes it feels like a second job to me. As always I appreciate your honesty about your life's happy moments and your struggles!

    The Tiny Heart

  32. You look so cute in that target dress! Sometimes I feel the exact same way as you... minus the marathon thing, I'm not a marathon person. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  33. I do the same thing with the babies. :) Every time a friend calls ... my heart sinks just a little. I know what they are going to say. "I'm pregnant!" I'm 99% happy as a clam for them. But there's always that 1% that I just can't seem to shove away. I guess we're human. :)

    Oh and never ever feel embarrassed ... we obviously all love the outfit posts!

  34. Don't you be embarrassed!!! I love your outfit posts and your bloggy!
    Youre awesome Katie!! :)
    xo, Katie

  35. can i say amen on the veneers and never having to see the dentist again ever in my life, i loathe the dentist, despise them, dislike them and good thing i am not married to one

  36. i absolutely adore how honest you are about are a breathe of fresh air my dear! thanks for just being you on this blog...that's the most important part of course! much love, Katie

  37. Great post! I feel like most of those things sometimes too. Cute dress!

  38. I love learning random tidbits about you. A marathon! wow! I did a 1/2 marathon a few years ago and definitely felt SO proud of myself afterward. So I can only imagine the feeling when you've run twice as long. Love that dress - a few years old and somehow still in style? Score!

    Praying for your heart right now as you patiently wait on God's timing...

  39. Lovely dress - I think the bluey pinky colour is stunning. I also agree with many of your 'Sometimes' and, in some cases, know how you feel. :)

  40. I think all bloggers feel like this...especially us because we post ourselves on a daily basis. I have seriously thought about quitting lately. It is such a game and sometimes it's just not fun anymore. Ho-hum....

  41. First off - that dress is gorgeous on you! So pretty. ;) And isn't it funny how embarrassing it is to take pics of ourselves - and yet feel driven to do it anyway? ;) I love blogging, but only two people who know me in real life know about it! ;)

  42. Adorable outfits, and I do love your "confessions"...and I think we all feel that way someitmes about blogging. Thanks for your honesty!!!
    xo Annie

  43. Love the print of the dress, and the colors are so pretty!

  44. Love the dress and the colors! So cute!


  45. *hugs* it's definitely normal to be guilty about the baby thing. it's OK to feel that way Katie. i hope someday soon you can finally have one. you'll be a great mama.

  46. This dress is so cute! :)

    -Mary @

  47. Sometimes it is better to rant and say the things that run into our minds, just like your post is. btw, love the dress. :)


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