October 30, 2012

Evolution of my pumpkin carving

 vest: old navy   shirt: old navy (similar)   jeans: target   boots: famous footwear (similar)

I have a confession to make.  I am too lazy to carve pumpkins.  
Something about setting everything up, scooping all the goo out, sorting the seeds, smelling the insides - 
just doesn't appeal to me.  But we haven't always been such pumpkin party poopers.  

Here's what's happened to our pumpkin carving over the years:

First year we were married.  It may not look impressive, but it was my first pumpkin carving experience and I took a long time making that ghost.   Too bad a squirrel ate the ghost out the day after we put it out.

and so begins my minimal effort with pumpkin carving. 

Next year's pumpkin carving.  Stuck with the quick and simple pumpkin faces.  Molly wasn't even impressed.

The next year is when it started to go downhill.  We resorted to drawing on our pumpkins with sharpies. 

After that we just bought pumpkins.  Didn't do anything with them but set them outside our house. 

And this year? I just held up a pumpkin. Didn't even buy it.


Which I guess makes me cheap and lazy in the pumpkin department. 
Maybe someday we'll suck it up and actually participate in this fall festivity.

Halloween Scrooge  


  1. This sounds likes me! We have all 5 pumpkins we HAD to get, sitting on our porch untouched. I guess they serve as our only holiday decor! I love the idea of just taking pictures with them!;)

  2. Hahaha we carved last year. This year we didn't even buy so at least it took you awhile on your descent. Lol

  3. Pumpkins are super expensive here and I don't know why because this is like the squash-growing capital of the world (or so they say at the state fair).
    I don't buy them either.
    You're in good company.

  4. haha. So much more than I do! I don't even look at pumpkins these days!

  5. Laughing out loud. Awesome post.

  6. Hahaha this post made me laugh. We didn't even go to a pumpkin patch this fall :(. And at least you have carved a pumpkin, I never have! We made plans to this fall but were too lazy lol. You did good carving! The ghost and faces were good! My favorite are just traditional faces on pumpkins. Oh, one last thing, your outfit is the perfect fall outfit! Love the vest and shirt!

  7. LOL! Didn't expect that ending! I didn't carve a pumpkin either... kind of a cheap ass....

  8. i'm lazy too! it looks so fun when others carve pumpkins, id rather draw on them lol

    C's Evolution of Style

  9. This is too cute. I don't really do Halloween but I at least try to crave but that doesn't mean that you have too. Love the Halloween Scrooge at the end.

  10. Omg hahahah this was hilarious!!! Pumpkin carving is definitely a chore (John and I literally just carved ours tonight) and I imagine we'll stop doing it too sooner or later.


  11. haha i feel like that's what's been happening with us. we got really into it and then it was just... over. done with it. Those pictures are hilarious.

  12. so funny! my husband just bought four pumpkins and cleaned them out...i watched and complained about the mess :)

  13. hahahah I love it - we didn't even make it to a pumpkin patch and thus are right there with you, sister! If we ever have kids that want to carve pumpkins we're screwed... Im so anti that whole process... I like the coloring idea, though - easy clean up & no rotten pumpkins


  14. Hahahaha!!!!!!

    I LOVE that you are just holding that pumpkin. And LOVING Molly's face (sooo not impressed)

    I'm also not a big fan of carving pumpkins for those very reasons.

  15. Ha! So, this is funny because we ended up buying pumpkins this year (because I insisted we needed to carve them)...and then over the weekend I thought they just looked better uncarved. Maybe we should start a "Save the pumpkin" campaign. :)

  16. Hahsha I've never carved a pumpkin! I guess I can join the club ;)

  17. this is such a clever post! i love it :) and your outfit is perfect for fall :) just put your button on my blog, love!! (hope you don't mind?!)

  18. We just carved ours tonight and it was the first time ever for me. :) We had a blast. But it was messy and icky. :)
    On another note - love your pumpkin holding outfit. :) I have decided I need a cargo /utility vest but am going to be on a shopping ban until my birthday in December so it will have to wait. :)

  19. Hahaha this is awesome, because my post that is scheduled for tomorrow is very similar to this :)

    I feel like my pumpkins have been getting worse over the years lol

    I'm dying over the shrarpie pumpkins...that's great!


  20. ADORBS! I LOVE the pumpkins!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  21. hahaha! I have to be honest though, I hate carving pumpkins. It grosses me out and it takes too long. I'd much rather paint them :)


  22. Haha! I hear you sister...carving is waaaay too much work. We spray painted ours this year and they look pretty crappy but at least it was easy!

  23. Hahaha this is so funny! At least you had a cute picture with a pumpkin! Honestly...I didn't even really want to carve ours this year...haha.

  24. Haha - I love your progression of laziness...I feel the same way about carving pumpkins. Love love love your outfit...the plaid with that vest is SO cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  25. What a lovely post!
    Your pumpkin looks great!


  26. I'm loving your Fall outfit. You look too cute!

    I hate pumpkin carving too. We ALWAYS just do the traditional pumpkin face. I wouldn't even do that if it weren't for my kids. This year I haven't even bought a pumpkin. It's on my To Do List for today (ha ha). Better late than never, right?

  27. Hahaaaaa we didn't buy pumpkins either!

    Good luck today, Halloween is always the best AND worst day to be a teacher!


  28. Haha, we don't carve our pumpkins either if it makes you feel better. We just bought two and they are sitting out front. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. you are adorable. i am actually really sad because i legitimately wanted to carve pumpkins this year and it just didn't happen. oh well :(

  30. Ha! I bought pumpkins this year but they are just stacked on top of each other by my front door. No carving involved! I hope they make it until Thanksgiving. Happy un-Halloween ;)

  31. Ha ha! Sharpie carving. I haven't tried that one yet. :)

  32. You are too funny! I actually carved a pumpkin this year but now it is rotting so I kind of wish I had just let it be. I like the look of plain pumpkins sitting on a porch. You DO have to actually purchase one to get that look though haha

  33. hahaha! you should get some faux pumpkins and play around with different non-carving techniques, I think that should be fun!

  34. These pictures are so cute! Love your pumpkin patch outfit!!! Autumn is sooo wonderful:)

    <3 Denise


  35. This post cracked me up!! I love Molly's face in between the two pumpkins, and your last picture holding up a pumpkin that you didn't buy! I just died laughing! I don't ever carve pumpkins either, and this year, I didn't even hold one up, just took a picture of the pumpkins and STILL didn't buy one, so I guess I'm with you!!

  36. HAHA!!! We carved a pumpkin this year but it was using a really easy kit! It was molded by the 2nd day so I agree with you! I would rather just buy them and leave them plain! Too much trouble for something that doesn't last!

  37. ahhh love it! we didn't carve pumpkins this year and we have kids... I am hoping they just won't notice :)

  38. Yes!!! Finally someone who understand my lack of interest in carving pumpkins. The first few years my husband and I were dating we use to have pumpkin carving contest against each other. Now I just buy the darn thing and set it on my porch. I do on the other hand like decorating fake pumpkins!

  39. Thanks for dropping by my blog! I love that plaid shirt and vest!

    Sheena @ A Girl's Guide to Retail Therapy

  40. More importantly, your pumpkin picking outfit is adorable...that's what really matters, right??
    xo Annie

  41. This is too funny. I was exactly the same way for a while then we had kids and now we are carving out disney characters into pumpkins so go figure!


  42. AWESOME!!!!! Love your honesty :-) It is a lot of work and a huge mess. You've gotta be into it for it to be worth it. Have a great halloween!!

  43. Ha, this post made me laugh! I have to admit, we never bought pumpkins until we had kids. Glad you had a chance to visit a pumpkin farm! Your plaid shirt is cute!

  44. The hubby and I usually carve pumpkins and I'm always so excited to do it until I actually start doing it. Then I remember what a pain it can be. lol!


  45. Ha! Love this, your evolution is perfect!! You look like such a baby!! :) Sending huge hugs.

  46. haha this is hilarious! i think next year you should paint some....but dont buy them....just paint and dash!

    pumpkin carving is hard work. i dont forsee it in my future much!

  47. haha-maybe it should be "The Devolution of Pumpkin Carving" I've only done it once when my husband and I were dating. But, we have a kid now, so we'll have to do it next year (she's only 8 months so we didn't bother this year)

  48. This is hilarious!!! My evolution is backwards from yours...used never buy them...then we bought them and they sat there a rotted and this year we actually carved one!! :)

  49. Hahaha! Oh my, this cracked me up!


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