November 18, 2012

Statement Necklace Obsession and Giveaway

I am so excited to have Angela on my blog today! I have been reading Angela's blog since I started mine and love seeing her cute outfits daily.  You know I have a slight obsessions with statement necklaces.

But I'm pretty sure that Angela may have a greater love and obsession for statement necklaces then I do!
So much that she is giving away one to you!

Hi, I'm Angela from Head to Toe Chic and I'm so excited to be guest posting for Katie today! To say I have an addiction to necklaces is an understatement. I love a good statement necklace (the bigger the better in my book) and I will rarely be caught without wearing one. Here's are some of my favorites that I wanted to share with you today.
After looking at these pictures it's safe to say I don't need to buy anymore necklaces. Today, you will have the chance to win a statement necklace of your own! It's a beauty if you ask me. I hope you'll stop by my blog and say hello!

Good luck! Winner will be announced after the 23rd!

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. awesome giveaway, angela (and katie!) LOVE angela's blog and LOVE her statement necklaces! thanks for sharing, girls!

  2. YESSS!!! This giveaway was made for me!! I did everything fingers crosses extra tight for this one!!

  3. What's your Instagram nAme?? I'm not sure if mine worked

  4. twitter did something funky. So the url might not be correct. but here it is again..just in case

  5. What a great giveaway!! I am just slightly obsessed with statement necklaces & Loft!!

  6. Love this giveaway!! I'm such a statement necklace fan, too!:) Thanks!!

  7. I love this necklace. If I don't win I want to buy it!!

    Melanie @

  8. You had me at hello with the statement necklaces! I am only recently hopping on board this train, so this would be a lovely addition :)

  9. MMm I love me some statement necklaces! I especially love her green ones with the balls on the bottom right, last one. She has great taste!

    The House of Shoes

  10. Oh my gosh, I need this in my life!! It's so pretty!!

  11. Adore all of your statement necklaces of course and now Angela's!

    Have a great week girl!


  12. Two of my favorite ladies!!! Yes, Angela, you are the necklace fairy and want your collection!! This giveaway will be mine!! ;)

  13. Okay how do you have SO many cute shirts! LOVE THEM! :)


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