December 12, 2012

Fashion blogger? (plus a giveaway)

I'm super excited to introduce you to one of my blogging friends Erin.  She has such a sweet heart, fun personality and a blog you will want to read!  And she is quite funny too - her post will definitely make you smile.  Plus she is giving away one of her customized pallet signs, which I was a lucky recipient of this one a month or so ago.


Hello lovely For Lauren and Lauren readers!!!
I am Erin and I blog over at Cali-Land Chic. I am a California girl living in Maryland where I blog about my home renovations, exciting projects, cute & handy husband and even more amazingly cute dog!

I am thrilled to be here today guest posting for Katie, because she is one of my favorites! Katie is one of the sweetest bloggers I have ever "met" and I am lucky to "know" her. Now girl ... let's meet and hang out already, so I can borrow all your clothes??? Mmmmk. Great, not creepy or stalker-ish at all...

Now if you are anything like me...guest posts are either hard to get through or easily skimmed over - because they are in short, not the reason you came to read one of your favorite blogs! But because I share these sentiments and this happens to be my first (ahem - ever) guest post, I will make it short, include your beloved Katie and hopefully keep it funny and uncomfortable - a couple of adjectives that best describe my personality.
First ever guest post topic: Why I am the most kick-butt fashion blogger out there...not.
Picture proof that I in fact am the BEST fashion blogger out there and the reason to stop by my blog would surely be for fashion tips. But the pictures wouldn't be an accurate portrayal of how bad I really am with fashion; if I did not compare myself with my favorite little fashionista, our very own Katie!
Enjoy lovers, as this might be the only time you will see this over at my blog.
 {she is always adorable - i on the other hand refuse to take a picture without my mouth open}
{completely normal mirror pic vs. my version...more alien like. obviously.}
{i defiantly have the head down fashion blogger pose DOWN.}
You're welcome, and hopefully you are now done laughing, and you can take a minute to peel yourselves off the floor, because I would love to meet you! So come on over to my blog and say hi!
I am so excited to make you your very own customized pallet sign! So enter away and I hope you win!  Here is a picture of Katie's sign she showed you will be similar in size and color but you can choose your writing and font!

My Etsy shop opens January 1st, where you can purchase your own, any shape and size! I am currently accepting customized pre-orders! If you are interested please feel free to email me: erin{at}cali-landchic{dot}com.

Enter below - good luck!


  1. She's so cute and great guest post for a virgin ;) Anything custom, Im all over that! Xxoxoxo

  2. Such a great guest post!! Love it.

  3. Loved this guest post! She is adorable.

  4. I love Erin!!! She is my bloggy bestie! And I LOVE this post!

  5. Hahaha! She is hilarious! I love it!

  6. My goodness she is adorable! And I am totally crushing on her pallet art - looks like I missed out on the giveaway, but I will definitely be checking out her etsy shop in the new year!


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