December 5, 2012

It's OK

jacket: c/o wendybox    dress: target   boots: dsw 

It's OK that I posted an outfit yesterday in these same boots.  I could wear them every day.

It's OK that the day I took these pictures it was ridiculously windy, which is why I am either holding my dress or my hair is in my face in every picture.


It's OK that the other day I went to Walgreens at 9 o'clock on a Sunday night and saw people checking out movies from redbox and my first thought was "Who would be renting a movie this late on a work night?"

You may ask why I was out "so late" on a work night.  Well, that's because I was on my way to sleep over at my parents because Chris was out of town.

and that's OK too.

It's OK that Chris thought I accidentally painted my one nail the wrong color.
(As if I could really do that on accident?)
And then laughed when I told him that doing that was actually trendy.

It's OK that he doesn't believe me.

It's OK that I am struggling this week to spend time on my computer, read blogs and respond to emails.  Hoping next week will be better!

Linking up with: It's OK Thursday


  1. that jacket looks amazing on you!!


  2. Ha! School nights have a strict curfew!

  3. My always has something to say about my "Accent" nail :) They just don't get it! Love the jacket!


  4. i am in love with that jacket!!! also, the nail thing made me laugh out loud. what woman would accidentally do that??? of COURSE you did it on purpose! and it looks great :)

  5. Yes! All those things are definitely ok. Especially thinking, why are those people renting a movie so late!!

  6. Awesome jacket!! J said the same when I did my nails like that. ;)

  7. Hahahahah I love your husband's observations, they're always so hilarious and typical-man.

  8. Looking lovely as usual! Hope everything is okay with you. :) I love those boots, but I never can decide what color they are - brownish, taupeish, greyish??? Hmmmm.
    Love the minty nails. ;) My hubby probably wouldn't even notice. And if he did would just shrug and tell me I'm the one who's into 'that stuff'. Bless his heart. He's been married to me for almost 14 years and still doesn't know what a wedge is. Or the difference between mint and teal. Although he did notice that half the female population is wearing stripes and asked in total bafflement if that was still a no no. Ummmm. Apparently he hasn't noticed that I too wear stripes quite frequently. And would I wear them if they were a no no? SUCH a man. ;) Gotta love him. Wow, that got long. Happy Thursday, pretty lady - hope it's wonderful.

  9. i have a STRICT school night curfew, too :) 10:30pm is considered "late." hehe. i also cannot believe your dress is from target! it is gorgeous!!!!!

  10. Love the nail polish!!! And you husbands observations! lol!! men...

  11. Love that jacket!! Whenever my husband is out of town I always stay at my parents. It creeps me out staying by myself.


  12. i love those boots.
    and that dress.
    such a great post!


  13. Any time after 5pm on a Sunday night is too late for me!
    (Gosh aren't Sundays just depressing...)
    So do you have to pack up all your school stuff when you stay at your parents'? That would get old!

  14. If my parents lived in the same town as my husband and I, I would totally still have sleepovers over there! :)

  15. haha, such a man comment. well, I think that your nails look great

  16. hahaha you are so funny! You are so right about the nails! I love them! My husband would probably say the exact same thing!

  17. if i had those boots, i'd definitely wear them everyday too! ;)

    <3, Mimi
    Monogrammed Tote Bag Giveaway

  18. Hahahaha guys are so funny! I always sleep at my parents' when my husband is out of town!

  19. Love that jacket!!
    Someone once asked me if I painted my nails that way because I was in a gang... That made me wonder if I looked like I was in a gang??? Scary!

  20. Haha 9 pm is for sure late for teachers! Darn early morning schedule, can't even imagine what it's like to stay up late during the week!


  21. love this outfit! and girl - 9pm is WAY Past my bedtime! hahaah my husband makes fun of me cause i could go to sleep so early

  22. Haha I go to bed so early too during the week! I'd sleep at my parents' too when my hubby was away if it wasn't for the dogs!

    The Tiny Heart

  23. LOVE the outfit and I have that nail polish color.. it's one of my favorites! My husband also doesn't get the one nail trend... it REALLY confuses him!

    It’s An Easy Life

  24. I have that same nail polish color and I LOVE it! He cracks me up with his comments.

  25. CUTE freaking boots and even cuter nails. Girl, I wear boots allll the time. There is no rule for wearing them too much ;)

  26. Haha your nails and your husband's response to them reminds me of when I got my nails done for our wedding, I got them to put lace on my ring finger, and to be fair, it didn't work out exactly how I wanted it to, and when I showed him he said 'what's wrong with that nail?' Grrrr! haha ;) I think it's cute :)

  27. hah yeah I work with mostly guys and they were all waaayyy thrown off when I painted a single nail a different color. It's was office conversation all day. Mostly them seriously discussing why it should have been a different finger on one hand than the other , etc etc. haha men.

  28. Love the nail color!! Last night I painted mine red with an accent of tourqouise (almost the same as yours) :) Tryin to get in the Christmas spirit!

  29. Haha - I love your red box comment - I would think the same thing! That dress is so cute, and I love your boots :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  30. I love your outfit!! It used to scare me when my hubby would travel but now he is out of town every week and its a normal thing. Hope you have a great weekend!

  31. Hahha that sounds like something my hubs would say.

  32. Cutest outfit. like. ever. ! Your stories about your husband totally crack me up!! :D

  33. Yes, it is TOTALLY ok to wear those boots multiple times in pictures because they are great boots! I have one pair that I wear all the time. And I'm not apologizing for it!


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