December 9, 2012

Some truth

Today all I have for you is a blurry picture of me on my couch.  No outfit post or project.
 Because the truth is that the last two weeks have been a struggle for me.  (More to come on that later)

And I have had very little motivation and desire to post outfit pictures, favorite things, funny stories or much of anything. 


A part of me feels like if I don't post an outfit or even anything at all, I will lose readers, interest or the appeal to my blog.

Except I realize that isn't why I want people to read my blog.  Of course I want people to like the outfits I wear or the projects I make, but what I really want is for people to know me.

I don't think there is anything wrong with bloggers that don't share their personal lives on their blog, and only chose to share a small piece of their real life.  I like those blogs because they make me happy.  And I'm thankful that I've been able to use this blog sometimes throughout this last year as an escape from things when life is hard.

But I want my blog to continue to be a mix of the happy things in my life, but also the real things in my life.

And real life is that things don't always go exactly how you plan, which I have been learning over and over the last two years.  You think you have something figured out and immediately start thinking how the other pieces in your life should go.  and then they don't.

As I sat on my couch last week I felt sad that I hadn't enjoyed enough Christmas music yet, hadn't put up certain decorations I've wanted to, wrapped any presents and have yet to finish Christmas shopping.   And I was feeling really disappointed.

The more I thought about it the more I realize that I have what I have right now.  In this moment.  And that needs to be enough.  And it is.

Even if it doesn't come with a cute outfit, a funny story or a creative project.
Today I'm filled with mixed feelings of anxiety, joy, fear, gratefulness and hope.

This is where I am right now and that is okay!


  1. Awww sweetie! I don't know what's wrong, but as someone who suffers from anxiety, I understand the lack of motivation. We'll be here if you need us and when you get back. Do what you need for you. And let me know if you need to talk

  2. Sending you love, prayers, and hugs.

  3. That's exactly how i'm feeling lately. And just so you know, I love reading your blog no matter what you decide to post about! <3 xo!

  4. love the honesty. I often feel like i don't share enough. But it's okay. Deep breath. You rock!

  5. I love your blog, no matter what you post! Our year has been so full of blessings, but I still find myself feeling inadequate and down at times...which in turn frustrates me because I should be incredibly thankful. I think it's normal and natural to feel that way are not alone sweet Katie! God has big plans for you and works through you everyday...especially with your kids that are lucky enough to have you for a teacher. Chin up, pretty lady! And go ahead and blast that Christmas music :)

  6. I love your blog! The fun, the real, the fashion, the projects! I would still be a reader no matter what you post: you are so real and I feel like we are friends in real life :) Continue to be true to yourself!

  7. We love your blog for much more than your cute and trendy outfits ;) glad to be a follower, girl.

  8. Your ability to be real and vulnerable is both an inspiration and an encouragement to me. Know that you are in my prayers.

  9. Love you Katie. Always praying sister.

  10. Totally appreciate your honesty! Everything will look up soon! Don't worry I will still read your blog even if it's not an outfit post :)

  11. I hope everything is okay?

    This post speaks to me in soo many ways!!! It touches on exactly how I feel and how I should feel and how I struggle trying to feel.

    If you need to chat, know that I hear for you no matter what!

  12. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I have SAD and it took me many years to learn how to overcome the winter blues as best I can.

    Any other blogger knows how difficult it is to blog exciting stuff every day unless you're one of the luckier few big blogs that has a staff of people to help.

    Blogging is for fun. Do what you can, post what you want to share, and don't stress. Us loyal readers will still be happy to follow along. :)


  13. i'm continuing to pray for you, katie. <3 you!

  14. Of course I love your outfits but I love your honesty even more. I can definitely identify with this.. sometimes I feel like I'm lying when I post "happy" things on my blog or elsewhere during tough times. I'm sorry you have been going through a rough time, and sending hugs & prayers your way!

  15. Hey there...I'm sorry the past few weeks have been hard for you. Please know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers! I know what you mean though about feeling anxious, yet hopeful, and yet not accomplished many emotions and it can be hard to live in the moment. I am striving to do this daily!

  16. Sending a huge hug and lots of prayers your way!!!!

  17. Sending some positive vibes your way, have a great week!

  18. I have always used the theory of blog about your life but don't live for your blog. Any readers you lose because you are wanting to take a moment in your real life aren't readers you need. Take care and hope you are feeling better soon.

    Oh and I love your socks!

  19. A lot of the time I am rushing around in the middle of things, and then I stop and realize that this is the only day I'm going to have ever. The only Sunday, December 9, 2012, or whatever. It helps me remember to be thankful for what I have and not try to wish for something else. Of course, that's easier said than done, but I appreciate your honesty. Don't post outfit pictures if you don't want to! I'm impressed you post them as much as you do. If I posted outfit pictures every day, people would find out that A) I wear the same 2 pairs of jeans every day and B) I wear a lot of sweatshirts and C) I almost never do my hair or put on makeup :) Now you know my secret.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. sending a lot of good vibes your way. and for the record, I love to read - outfit post or not :)

  22. I can so relate! My emotions have been all over the board lately. Sending love and prayers your way!

  23. Your living room looks so cozy :) And I've always loved any post you do Katie...outfits,DIYs, food...or just reflection like this one.

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. I hate that you've had a rough two weeks. I have to say though, that your blog has the perfect combo of happy/silly moments and real life. It's the reason why I keep coming back, the reason I find it so endearing.
    Praying you will have much time to sit and enjoy the season and that there will be better things ahead!

  25. I hate that you've had a rough two weeks. I have to say though, that your blog has the perfect combo of happy/silly moments and real life. It's the reason why I keep coming back, the reason I find it so endearing.
    Praying you will have much time to sit and enjoy the season and that there will be better things ahead!

  26. Awesome hahah! Please check out my new post and tell me what you think, it means a lot to me :)

  27. It is perfectly ok that you feel that way. Life is hard. and dealing with things is just part of it. I love reading your blog because I love the person you are! You are inspiring, funny, and fashionable. You are real.
    Wish I lived closer so I could give you a hug! Feel better dear!

  28. Aw Katie, I'm sorry you have been feeling down and frustrated. I know how you feel, there are days when I'm completely frustrated and then I get mad at myself for feeling that way. It's especially hard for us planners, but hopefully this new year will bring new beginnings! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. I'm sorry the last weeks have been a struggle for you, Katie. Even though I'm not going the same thing, I'm dealing with health issues lately (which I keep debating about sharing on my blog or not) and so I can relate to not having the motivation to blog. Sending hugs!!

    The Tiny Heart

  30. You definitely don't have to post an outfit for us to care about you or want to read your blog. I love your outfits, but I love reading about YOU the most. You inspire me to want to share more about myself on my blog, actually, because I realize that you CAN do both. I am sorry to hear that things have not been so great lately, but please know that your loyal readers (like me!) will still be here for you no matter what. xoxo

  31. I couldn't agree with you more love. You should take many moments to be at home, taking in YOUR life, living the little things - the Christmas music, the cookies, the couch.
    YOU my dear ARE amazing and you have the greatest outlet do "be who you are" and if people don't totally embrace it - then off with them!
    I think we should make mandatory NO technology days - to now loose ourselves! Yes?!? ;)

  32. We love you Katie. No matter what you post about. And you are one of the strongest women I know. Hang in there. You will be rewarded for all this!! Hugs.

  33. Amen sister:) Honestly, I love it when people are so genuine with their lives on their blog. It makes the rest of us feel more normal. I loved this post, and love your honesty! Blessings sweet one, love Katie

  34. Katie, I am thinking about you and sending virtual hugs and smooches your way. You are a strong woman and you will get through this season in your life. We are all here for you...outfit post or not. xoxo

  35. Dear Katie,
    I think this is a great post - something many of us are feeling, but haven't put into words, or type, yet.
    It is important to take a moment to actually enjoy the special bits of the holiday season - instead of constantly trying to document the glitz, add shimmer to make everything look better, and one-up-Pinterest (which isn't even possibly, why try!?)
    I hope that the things causing you strife are able to be eased through in the coming weeks - and if it takes you a little longer than you think to get on your feet, don't worry we will still be here

  36. Cute socks! I love being comfy lounging around home!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  37. I love your blog...all of it! Sorry you aren't feeling the best right now, thinking of you. ;)

  38. Always love you for your honesty! Good things comes to those that wait, but better things come to those who are patient.

  39. Oh how I know what you feel. I think that so often. Especially my last year being with James. Just being with has been amazing but threw me for a wonderful loop. I am sure you know but, I am here if you need.


  40. Amen! This is definitely the truth. I keep having to remind myself of this daily (sometimes more than once a day), because I desperately want to remember that this season, and life in general, needs to be celebrated in the now...not in what we could do or what we should do...or even dwelling on what we think we should have. xoxo

  41. We all get into funks, so thanks for posting about it. I think us bloggers sometimes also suffer from blogger guilt when we skip a post or two. Hope things get better!

  42. Hey Katie, I think that this was a great post. I enjoyed reading it and agree that its not just about outfits or projects. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Best wishes


  43. How true! I share so much because I've learned that readers enjoy the truth. But we all draw a line somewhere and if you don't feel like doing what you're "known" for, it's okay. I haven't baked a darn thing this holiday season! Crazy!
    Hoping this next week is a good one for you Katie!

  44. I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. It's like you took the words right outta my mouth. This whole month I've felt like that. I hate it. But I've been realizing I need to get off the blog & live my life.


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