June 9, 2013

the beginning

The start of summer has not disappointed me one bit.  With only half a week in, I've already jumped right into summer mode and am loving it. 

       Coffee, tv and slow mornings.               Donuts with my mom.         Reading on our sunny deck. 

And the best is that my sister, niece and nephew came into town and are staying the rest of the week!

If you're not on summer break then you're probably not liking this post very much and I'm sorry.  Thankfully I have some good news for you.  The opportunity to meet a sweet blogger names Cat who blogs at Letters to Baby MC.  Cat shares her life about her, her husband and their adorable little girl, who was born early at 27 weeks.  She is also generously giving away a $50 Visa gift card so read on friends!

Hello For Lauren and Lauren readers!!  My name is Cat and I blog at my little piece of internet awesomeness - Letters to Baby MC.  I am so excited and honored to be posting here on Katie’s fabulous space today!

 Over at Letters to Baby MC, I blog about being a first time mom to our little preemie bundle of joy born at 27 weeks + being a wife to a computer nerd writing his dissertation to finish his PhD.

I also blog about the new house we are building + design inspiration for our new home, how much I love my crazy job working with college students as a Dean, all the traveling our little family does and anything else that pops into my crazy head!

I hope to meet you over at my little space soon and thank you so much Katie for having me!!

Thank you so much for your post Cat! 
And today Cat is giving away a $50 Visa giftcard to one lucky reader!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted after the 14th!  Thanks for entering!


  1. So glad you are getting to enjoy summer break. How fun to have your niece and nephew in town. Thanks for introducing us to another blog friend!

  2. I am excited to begin my summer break, too! One more day for me!!

  3. yay for summer! you look like you're enjoying your break to the fullest!

  4. Live it up! Summer is the B.E.S.T. :)

  5. YAY for summer break!!! I have meetings tomorrow, and then FREEDOM!!!!!


  6. Ooo yum! I love donuts with sprinkles:)

  7. Reading on the deck sounds awesome :) And those photos of you & the kids are too cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. Yum, I want to grab that donut off the screen!

  9. I don't have a summer break, but I totally love summer more too. The weekends are just more fun. Love the pictures of you and your niece and nephew!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  10. Yahoo for summer time!! Looks like you are doing it up right!! Just think how the summer is going to end!!! Getting so excited for you!!!

  11. YAY for summer time! Yours is looking perfect so far!! Enjoy the kids an your sister!! :)

  12. Yay for summer and your nieces are so cute!

  13. I'm so enjoying summer too my friend!

    Enjoy your family while their visiting!

  14. Amazing photos! you all look so precious and sweet!


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. How is Carry On Warrior?? I'm so intrigued but haven't purchased yet!

  17. YAY for having family over! Enjoy beautiful mama! And oh my heck can't wait to get my hands on that book! Love ya!

    Kristine -The Foley Fam {unedited}

  18. glad your enjoying your summer break!!

  19. Looks like you're having a great summer already! We're experiencing "June Gloom" here in Long Beach so it's only been in the 70s here. I don't have a summer break since I'm not a student anymore but I still love the warm weather and longer days!


  20. Goodness, girl, I'm super jealous!

  21. Glad you're having a nice summer so far. It's always great to be introduced to new bloggers I didn't know about before.

  22. Cute pics! Looks like a FUN weekend :)

  23. Thanks for the giveaway!
    New follower here :)



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