June 10, 2014

All or Nothing

I've been thinking a lot lately about this blog.  Let me first say that it is far from my intention in writing this, to get you to comment and say how much you love reading my blog or would be sad if I quit.  While I do appreciate those comments (who wouldn't?) I am merely writing out my current thoughts on my blog and perhaps changing some of my goals and priorities.  

I feel this need to post every day during the week.  That if I don't I'll lose readers, won't be successful and will miss out on opportunities.  But the truth is, I feel like that's already happening.  My pageviews have been much lower, I've had much fewer opportunities to work with companies and overall have not felt the same positive feedback in general.  Yet I'm still putting a lot of time into blogging and it's made me reevaluate why I blog.  It started as a hobby that I expected to turn into nothing more.  It's stayed a hobby, but also became a place where I made good friends, processed a lot of hard things, got to review some sweet clothes and products and even made some money.  

Right now I've felt like it's this all or nothing thing.  That I need to fully commit to blogging and do it everyday, put energy and time into it or not do it at all.  That sometimes seems to be a pattern that occasionally shows up in my life.  All or nothing.  

I want to get in shape.  It's been almost two years since I've run.  How about sign up for a marathon? 

I need to eat healthier and eat less sweets.  How about not eat any desserts for a month? 

But I know it doesn't need to be that way.  I could use a good dose of moderation in many areas of my life. And I think that blogging is one area.  I think it's time to start shifting my goals for my blog so that I feel like I'm making worthwhile choices with my time, rather than working on something that isn't currently fulfilling.  I often work on my blog during Addilyn's nap time or in the evening, and I've been choosing to sit out on my deck reading, working on a craft, fixing up my basement, working on Addilyn's baby book or actually pay full attention to a show Chris and I are watching.  And turns out those things are currently more fulfilling.  

Blogging has been so good for me and I know there are still so many benefits.  I'm not sure I would've kept up with monthly letters to Addilyn if it weren't for blogging.  It gives me a chance to sit down, think about and write out what I'm learning and how God is growing me.  And on a more superficial level, encourages me to wear real clothes a few times a week.  I want these things to still be true, but maybe without the pressure I put on myself to do it daily.  

So I'm planning on spending less time on my computer, still writing posts during the week, just not every day, and enjoying the free "me" time I have, doing other things that today make me happier. 

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  1. I think every single blogger write now has posted the same thing. It seems like summer is the slow time for bloggers. And it's making me do a sigh of relief. My job has been so stinkin' busy yesterday that I barely have time to comment on blogs or write a decent post on my own.

    <3 Jackie

  2. I totally identify with this! A couple summers ago, I was a blogging machine - new posts every single day and tons of fun stuff. For awhile after I stepped away I felt guilty...but now I'm getting to a place where I'm just not that concerned. Blogs are there when you need them. That's what I like about them...it's good that you're not going to let yours take over!

  3. For a long while I was focused on blogging. After I took the break from my blog in February, I realized that I wasn't really as into blogging as I was into writing. And, blogging is just one way for me to share what I write with others. I think all things have a season...including blogging. Ultimately, you have to do what makes your heart happy. I will always read, not matter how often you post :)

  4. Story of my life right now, especially with Zach deploying. I'll still stalk you and love when you so write :)

  5. Good for you for scaling back! I still read though I don't comment unless I feel I have something worthwhile to say.
    It's important to be fully present in all that you do. It's great that you are recognizing it now, rather than regretting it later.

  6. Your blog is one of the few that I really look forward to reading daily, but I understand your decision. Life is too short to put off other things you love. I'm sure you'll find a good balance.

  7. i have felt the exact same way. I basically stopped blogging once I stopped traveling. I've tried so hard to get back into it, but sleep (and other things) are so much more important. Thank goodness for Instagram :) I still feel like I post daily recordings without the time commitment!

  8. Good for you , Karie. I wish you the best!

  9. I love reading your posts, but I understand how being busy with life, your hubby, baby, and time for yourself can be more fulfilling and make you feel more connected to real life. Life goes so fast, I am trying to spend less time with my phone or iPad and more time with my family!I wish you the best with what you decide to do! Plus, I can still follow you on ig :)

  10. Totally identify! Blogging does take a lot of time! Just relax and post when you are in the mood or get inspired- I think you will enjoy it more when it feels like a hobby rather than a priority.

  11. Good for you! As a new mom as well I totally understand where you are coming from. Being a wife and mom come before blogging and my blog is changing as well. Looking forward to seeing your posts!

  12. Dont put so much pressure on yourself girl. We all go through this. I finally just threw all that out the window and blog as I feel inspired. xoxo Your amazing!

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  14. Dont put so much pressure on yourself girl. We all go through this. I finally just threw all that out the window and blog as I feel inspired. xoxo Your amazing!

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  16. I understand the all or nothing mentality. I find that I read blogs most regularly when I know bloggers will be posting on certain days. I like that I can expect a post from you each evening!
    However, I've actually started skipping Wednesdays because it was too much with working 9 hours a day and all. Now it's just kind of stuck and I think 4 days a week is a good compromise.

  17. Excellent post, 'all or nothing' totally sums up the way I feel about so many things in life, I really enjoyed reading this :)


  18. You aren't the only one facing this dilemma, I too, ask myself these same things time and time again. I would just say does it have to be 'all or nothing'? I've had to ask myself that more times than not. I came to the conclusion that it doesn't. People like reading what's on your heart - if that's everyday great, if it's once a week great. People love what you have to say so I'd say just blog when you feel like it and your readers will come because they love reading what's on your heart. Love ya dear!

  19. Katie, I'm on exactly the same page as you! Especially with these summer months, and nearing the end of my pregnancy I'd much rather sit outside with a book than feel like I need to be blogging.
    I'm doing what feels best, and yay for you doing that too!
    Oh, but just don't quit blogging entirely, because I really do enjoy reading your posts!

  20. I completely relate 100%. I've really been feeling like blogging is an obligation lately, which I think is showing in my posts. It's a huge time commitment and honestly not time well spent if you'd enjoy doing other more fulfilling things!

  21. I had the same feeling in the past (hence the reason I'm on my third blog probably). I always felt that if I didn't do it all the time then I couldn't do it any of the time but I'm slowly learning that it's so not true. You shouldn't have to feel obligated to sit down and write every single night especially if there are more things you would like to enjoy like opening a book or making memories with your family. Quality overrulles quantity every time.

  22. good for you! Enjoy your family when you can, and get some really good YOU time in. I'll keep reading no matter how many or few times you post a week :)

  23. I'm so glad you shared this! Family time (and SELF time) are much more worthwhile in the long-run. Don't ever feel like you ::need:: to blog post: do it because you want to, not because you have to! (And I'm still following you on Instagram, so I'll see you there too!). I had to make myself a schedule for blogging (it's on my computer). I'm nowhere near the same sort of blogger-status as you, with reviews and ad space and whatnot, but this may help! I post on Monday, Wednesday, Friday: I plan for the posts a month in advance... just the topic/title. Then when that given week comes, I try to blog the three posts for the week on Sundays. Then I schedule them for their given days: MWF. Many times, I change my mind on what I post on, or I don't get the post typed out until the day of (like today's: whoops!). But I told myself I needed to make a schedule so I could still have that family time without worrying about a blog post going up. Hope that helps!

  24. I was never a five-day-a-week blogger, but over the last 6 months I've morphed into a two-day-a-week blogger. And I love it! I don't feel pressure to post, and I write when I want to, and I feel like I have more time to really engage with the people who comment AND I have time to read other blogs as well (which I think is fun). I don't think you should quit (unless you want to), but cutting back will probably be awesome for you. Yes, my views have dropped too, but whatever. I've found that the people who really want to stay updated WILL keep reading, and the people who drop off? You probably didn't want them reading anyway.

  25. P.S. I got over 100 comments (holy moly!) on my recent Blog Talk post about "Why Do You Unfollow?" and NO ONE said they unfollowed because someone didn't post every day. Not a single one.

  26. Though I am going to be one of those people right now that tells you how much I love your blog...I am also going to be the friend that says do what's most fulfilling for your heart right now. No matter how many times you post a week, I'll always look forward to them ;)

  27. I personally think "all in" doesn't necessarily require a post every.single.day. But instead, when you ARE blogging, you give it your all. Does that make sense? That's why I mostly blog "After Eleven" (hence the name of my blog. haha) because it's after I've spent time with my family, my daughter is in bed, I've done all of my morning routine, etc... Do what you want - it's your blog! haha. if you lose readers than you lose some. that's okay. I know you don't WANT that but it might happen. oh well.

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  29. Hi there, we sound like we are on the same page lately. Enjoy your free "me" time. I think the bottom line is do what makes you happy!! Don't worry about the readers. I know that you are one of my favorite blogs because you are you!! I would still read even if you posted once a month.

    p.s can't wait to see how your playroom turns out..if you post about it, would be great :) The toys are starting to take over my living room!!

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  31. Well we will still be here, whenever you decide you want to post! Take time for yourself and family and really enjoy it!!!

  32. I think you are one wise mama. :) Do what makes you happy...then if you have time to blog about it, I'll read it and if not then I'll wait and read when you do!

  33. Up until about 2 months ago, I felt overwhelmed and stressed out if I could't crank out 5-7 blog posts in a week. It was stressing me out, but my blog posts were really showing it. Some were forced. I decided I was no longer going to schedule posts for Saturdays and Sundays, and I wasn't going to force posts. When it works, it works. I hate taking a hit, and my page views have dropped also, but not feeling stressed about it is a huge, huge relief. You're right -- everything in moderation. :-)

  34. I feel the same pressure to always blog OR else! But I think your readers will still be here no matter how many times a week you post. If blogging is stressing you out, then there's nothing wrong with taking a step back.

    The Tiny Heart
    Necklace Giveaway!

  35. I'm with ya - I used to worry so much abut not posting each day - now I just do it when I actually feel like it or have the time. No stress. :)

  36. I totally get this. All of it. I have been feeling the same way recently, which is why I have hardly been blogging. I've kind of been feeling like there is more to life than just keeping up with the internet, you know? I think it's important to always be re-evaluating how we spend our time. Because if you're spending all of your free time on something that you don't totally believe in, it's a waste. You just do your thing, and post when you want to post, and don't post if you don't want to. I hope you figure it all out girl!


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