June 2, 2015

Toddlers are Bipolar

I think I should stop being surprised by this, but it amazes me how fast toddlers can change their emotions.  One minute asking for peanut butter and jelly and the next minute throwing it on the floor saying "No want it, mama!"  

The other week we had a really rough day.  About once a week I babysit a six month old from 6:30-9 in the morning.  Addi acts all excited about "baby Emma" coming but after about 15 minutes has had enough.  She continually tells me to put Emma down or asks me "Emma's daddy pick her up?"  This one day I couldn't get Emma to sleep and she was overtired and Addi was crabby, jealous and not content.  She basically cried or screamed on and off for over an hour.  It was miserable.  

I felt like I had a daughter who couldn't entertain herself for a minute.  Knew nothing about patience and sharing her mama.  And was just an overall crabby, needy one year old.  That I could never handle two babies and that I was basically creating a monster. We "restarted" that day at least five times and it was just a rough day.  I was thrilled when it was bedtime and happy the day was over.  

Now Friday was the complete opposite.  Addi was happy in the morning, and we had a great day.  We went to the park, went exploring on a path, had breakfast with a friend and overall had such a fun, good day.  

Something that I need to remember is to not count the day out as bad, when we've had a rough morning.  That there is opportunity after opportunity to have a restart.  And even if the day ends up being pretty rotten, tomorrow is a totally new day.  

Image Map


  1. Great reminder. Sometimes I say to myself that was a bad hour, let's have a do over! Toddlers always seem to be on an emotional roller coaster. Olive has started requesting food, I make it and then she says "I don't wike it." Then she'll be sweet as pie the next minute and say "I wuv you mama." These little people sure make life interesting :) Addilyn looks so cute in these pictures. I have outfit envy (again)!

  2. I think we all need to remind ourselves that we can have a restart any day at any time--I hope I remember that next time I have a bad day! haha
    As frustrating as it probably is for you, I think it's cute that she is overprotective of you and jealous of the attention the baby gets--this is definitely good practice for her (and you) for a future little sister/brother!
    And yes, kids can definitely change their minds at the drop of a hat...sometimes, it's hard to keep up!

  3. Oh, toddlers... So much fun and so much frustration all rolled up in one adorable package!
    I hear you you one this one!!

  4. Such good points! Each age offers a new hurdle to jump. Grant has hit the hangry phase, he's been a disaster the last few nights before dinner, then one bite of food and all is well.

  5. There's always tomorrow :) I know this post was about Addi's personality but I can't get past how stinkin adorable she looks in that yellow sweater! OMG!

  6. We all have good days and bad days, and I guess that applies to toddlers too! At least she's adorable even when she's crabby ;)

  7. AMEN!!! It's crazy how fast their moods can change. Drives me nuts! Her outfit in these pics is ADORABLE!


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