September 24, 2015

Weeks 15 & 16

15 week baby bump
16 week baby bump
I'm actually 17 weeks this week, but keeping up by the week is not happening, so catch up it is!  I've been feeling a little better the last two weeks.  Maybe throwing up a few times a week, as oppose to multiple times a day.  I still feel pretty tired and am waiting for that second trimester energy to come! In the mornings I often feel like I'm going to be good for the day, then come Addilyn's nap time and I feel exhausted.  I definitely can't sleep on my stomach any more, so getting comfortable at night is a challenge.  I wake up at least a few times to go to the bathroom and often feel nauseous when I wake up so it takes a little while to fall back to sleep. 

My belly is definitely growing and I shouldn't be surprised, as everyone says it, but it's crazy how much faster I'm showing than with Addilyn.  It's funny because depending on what I'm wearing I feel like while I look pregnant no matter what, the size of my belly seems to differ a lot.  It's definitely bigger by the end of the day too. 

I already feel like my belly is so high.  Up until the day she was born my belly was high and I felt like it was overtaking my ribs and chest.  I never "dropped" and I feel like I'm going to be in the same boat this time.  It scares me a little that I already feel like I don't have a ton of space between my boobs and belly!  

I haven't felt any kicks yet, and I'm feeling anxious to.  I felt Addilyn move around at 16 weeks, and while not consistently even Chris could feel it that early.  So while I know it's normal to not feel your baby this early, I thought I would by now and am anxious for it to happen!

I've been making plans for the baby's room, but they are mostly all still in my head. We have a lot of moving around and organizing to do to make room for stuff from upstairs and into the basement before we can even think about making it a nursery.  I have a good idea of what I want it to look like, boy or girl, but finding out what we're having will make it way more exciting.  My 20 week ultrasound is October 15th and I can't wait.  

I'm sure I could say this every time, but I still have many days where I just can't believe that I am pregnant.  I feel so so thankful for this baby, and don't ever want to forget what a miracle it is! 

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  1. You look great! Excited to find out if you're having a little boy or girl!

  2. So excited for you! You look so pretty and happy! Love keeping up with you on IG :)

  3. You are definitely glowing! Love that bump!! I bet you are so excited to do the gender ultrasound!

  4. Glad you're starting to feel better!! I loved your sweet post about Addilyn yesterday. It is such a cute age and then your follow up comment about your day today. Toddlerhood is such a wild ride. Thank heaven for the highs because sometimes the lows are draining. You're looking great and I am looking forward to your big gender reveal mid October :)

  5. You look so good! I'm hoping the nausea completely subsides and you're able to feel some kicks soon! That was one of my favorite parts of pregnancy!

    Fizz and Frosting

  6. Yes, it's crazy how much bigger I got sooner this time too. I'm glad you're nausea is getter better!

  7. So, so exciting! Congratulations again Katie!


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