November 11, 2015

Addi Says What . . . . . 28 months

It's been awhile since I've done an Addilyn update.  She is just becoming the funniest little thing.  Little being quite appropriate as I'm realizing a majority of her Fall and Winter clothes fit from last year.  I'm pretty sure her legs haven't really grown since then.  Lucky me that I get more wear out of her cute clothes!  Here's a few things she's said in the last month or so . . . .

"Molly can't come downstairs.  I need my space."

We were eating dinner at my parents and she leaned over to me and said "Can I have a sip of your water Katie?"  I looked at her kind of surprised and she looked surprised herself and said "I just called you Katie!"  Like she couldn't believe she called me that.

I was telling Addi how she gets to go to a new class tomorrow (MOPS) and she said "um . . . I'll just go in a few weeks instead."

Chris said "I love you Addilyn" and she said "No, I love my mama."  I told her that she can love lots of people and she said, "Oh yeah! I love Lena and aunt Lauren and Grandpa too!"

She was in the bathtub washing her belly and then her butt, and surprised said "Hey! I got a butt crack.  I got a butt crack just like you daddy!"

The other day she lifted up her shirt and said to me "Want to say hi to my baby? He's a boy.  He has a penis just like my daddy."

I asked Addilyn what says neigh and she answered, "Aunt Lo!  Now watch me whip, watch me nay nay."

She also started responded to questions with "Meh."

And often will run around saying "Holla for me" with her hand in the air waving.

We were cuddling after her nap and I said "I love you Addi.  Your my best buddy."  She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled my head next to hears, and patted me saying "that's my dear, that's my dear." 

Chris asked her if she was going to be a great big sister and she said "No I'm a big girl.  And I'm a woman!" 

Sweet Addi Jane - thank you for making me laugh daily.  You are the best thing ever!

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  1. I just read all of these to my husband and we are dying laughing! She cracks me up!!

  2. she is precious, makes me smile.

  3. Such a big personality in her tiny little body! Hooray for getting two years out of her fall/winter wardrobe. That's quite a jackpot. I love that she knows your name and thinks it's funny to call you it. Olive hears me call Kevin Kev and will often yell for Kev! to get his attention. It's so fun to read through all these funny quotes.

  4. Oh my goodness, this is precious, more updates like this please!

  5. What a hoot! I need to get better at writing the funny things Grant says down.

  6. My little girl is almost 6 weeks old and is just starting to make cooing sounds, but I can't wait for her to be able to talk! I'll just have to remember to write down the funny stuff.

  7. So sweet! She does sound very funny! Lol. I love that she called you Katie and shocked herself! Haha

  8. She is so freakin cute!!! I adore her!!

  9. These are hilarious! Oh my gosh. I can't wait for R to make us laugh like that!

  10. This are absolutely hilarious! Such a big personality for an awesome little girl!


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