February 17, 2016

Addi says what

"I have sneeze on my hand."

Chris was playing with a sock puppet and said with the puppet "Will you be my friend?"  Addi responded, "Sorry I can't.  I'm busy."

The other night I was crying when I was sitting in Addi's rocking chair with her before bed and she looked up and said, "Oh no.  Mama are you nauseous? It's ok.  I'm right here."

Holds up my bra and says, "Are these for your nibbles?"

Often says, "What's going on here?"

"I don't know how to clap anymore.  Because I'm a big girl."  I told her I thought she could and to try. "I was just tricking you."

Addi was playing with her cousin Annie and she was being chased and I could hear her kind of yelling.  Lauren and I walked in the room and she said, "I don't know what is going on in here. I'm just trying to get away." 

Says often after she almost falls, "I dropped myself."

She got herself stuck in a toy crate and had one leg out, panicked and about to cry, "Mama!! I just don't know what to do about this!"

Her cousin pulled her hair and was in a time out.  "Is Annie going to apologize me now?"  Then a few minutes after they were playing Addi took a wand and say, "Abracadabra! Annie be kind!" 

We were in the middle of playing with marbles and Addi stood up and said "But I don't have a penis." I told her no you don't, because you're a girl and she said, "But I used to have one, but I don't anymore."

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  1. Hahaha oh man these are so great! I love that kids are so naive!

  2. Addi sure is a funny one! Love her silly phrases and her abracadabra statement, nibbles haha and I dropped myself. Good job for keeping track of all these things because she will love reading them when she's older.


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