April 2, 2017

The Vales get baby chicks.

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Last week we got baby chicks and it's been so fun.  We got five baby chicks from a farm about a half hour away.  Sadly one of them died the night we got them, and I may have cried.  Thankfully the other four are healthy and already so much bigger than when we got them.  

Addi couldn't be more excited about them and would spend so much time just sitting and talking to them in their crate.  Isaac loves going out to see them too, but obviously not as patient to sit there like Addi.  They're currently in a rubbermaid container in our garage, but Chris built them a little cage they'll get moved to soon because they'll be able to fly out of the container.  Next week they'll probably get moved to our chicken coop, but stay in their little cage until they're bigger.  

So far Addi has named them "Aaliyah, America, Beer Man and Ellie."  Beer Man is most definitely our favorite.  I'm excited for warmer weather and the kids and I to start taking care of the chickens during the day and being outside way more!  

Sometimes I still can't believe we get to live in a place with so much yard and chickens.  We love it! 


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