November 28, 2011

Back to Work

As much as I love my job, going back to work after a holiday break is so hard! I get really sad when things that I greatly look forward to (like Thanksgiving week) are over and that we have to wait a whole year for it to come again. Good thing Christmas break is only three weeks away!

I may be one of the cheaper people you could ever meet, especially when it comes to finding and buying cheap clothes. I bought this jacket about a year ago from Target, for about $7. I debated about it for awhile, thinking it was a little too "motorcycle-ish" for me. The more I wear it the more I like it and am now I am very happy with my purchase!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren! This is Nicole from Three's {4} Me, and I was wondering if there was any way you could email me when you get this! I couldn't find your email address, but basically I just wanted to feature you along with a few other crafty ladies tomorrow for Small Business Day! Email me at:


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