November 26, 2011

Favorite Day of the Year

Yesterday my family went to cut down our Christmas trees. I think it is my favorite day of the year. It might even beat Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas. We always go to the same place. Eat their delicious homemade donuts, drink hot chocolate and find our trees. Then we spend the evening decorating the tree, eating deep dish Chicago pizza and watching a Christmas movie. I LOVE everything about it!

Here's my sweet nephew who is now old enough to love the experience too!
Looking for trees with my husband
My family on the tractor to go get our tree
We found our perfect tree!
Me, my future sister in law Lauren, and my sister Lauren with her daughter
Happy tree decorating!!


  1. How fun! This is cute! Thank you for the comment on my blog! I'm so glad I get to read more about you! :) Thanks again. I'm a new follower.


  2. Hello there....Im stopping by from follow fest....super cute blog...I sooo miss a real tree....Im doing major Xmas decorating fun!!!
    Maybe next year.....Nice to meet follower:)

    A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  3. Love it all! So glad I'm a part of your family (and soon to be for real!) Love you!

  4. I'm so jealous that you get to go cut down your Christmas tree! My husband's family used to when he was little but I've never had the chance. It must make Christmas extra special! Your blog is absolutely adorable!

  5. looks like such a fun day! love all the hats, we were in vegas for the holidays and it was kinda warm! which was weird... new follower over from the fest. :-)

  6. looks like you guys had a great time! i'm stopping by from and would love for you to stop by and see the new giveaways and tutorials. xoxo nicole

  7. Well you and your fam are just the cutest! Your tree looks awesome. :)

  8. I think it's my favorite day too! We had such a great visit. Travis told me today on the way home that he "misses (then listed everyone) and all the fun too." :)


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