December 30, 2011

Mexico - can we go back??

The week before Christmas, Chris and I got to take a trip to Mexico.  It already feels like forever ago! We had such a great time.  Lots of relaxing, reading, talking, sleeping and eating! It was perfect.  Here are some pictures from our trip: 

Time goes by so fast!  I'm glad there are pictures to look back on.  I can't believe that it is almost New Year's and my break is over.  Three more days off school and three more days of time with family.  I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can! 

Happy New Year! 


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog: I'm your newest follower! It looks like you two had a great time in Mexico!

  2. Looks like yall had such a great time! I miss Mexico, I would love to go back soon! The past two summers the bf and I have went to cancun! Where did yall go?

  3. It looks like you had such an amazing time!!!

  4. how fun! i want to go to mexico soon! where did you go?

  5. Great pictures, you two look like you are having some serious fun in the sun!

  6. Looks like you had a blast! Have a great new years.

  7. wow, looks like so much fun! and i love all of your outfits by the way :) hope you have a great new years!


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