January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

This New Year's Eve we got to get dressed up and went to a party with friends of ours and had a great time! Here's some pictures from the night: 

 My brother, future sister in law Lauren and me and Chris

 We just might be really good dancers. : ) 

 Happy New Year! 

I've been thinking about some New Year's resolutions the last few days.  I figured I'd post one today: 

Resolution #1: Have a better attitude about work.  I'm unbelievably sad that Christmas break is over and that I have to go to school tomorrow - yes tomorrow - even though it is a national holiday!! With some changes in our school this year it has been less enjoyable to be there and takes more effort to be happy there.  However, I am so lucky to have a job and I want to work harder to choose to have a better attitude. I may just start this resolution Tuesday because tomorrow will be rough.  : ) 

Happy New Year! I'm excited about the next year!

Linking up to:

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. Looks like so much fun!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year :) Looks like it was a blast!

  3. Amen sister! I work at a school too and most days it is rough. Not the teaching/kid portion of it (mostly) but the logistics/adults/parents/blahh part of it. But like you say, I always have to remember that I am blessed to even have a job! Good luck tomorrow, it will be rough this entire week!

  4. Looks like you had a blast!

  5. Thanks for linking up girlie! You look great and it looks like y'all had! I love your new years resolution...I think I need the same one lol!

  6. Happy New Year. It's nice to get dressed up and go out!

    Thanks for linking up! Hope you'll be able to grab the button...let me know if it gave you trouble.

  7. New follower from the new years blog hop. It looks like you had a lot of fun on NYE! I'd love to have you stop by and say hello sometime.


  8. Thanks for linking up to New Year, New Followers! Looks like you had a great NYE!

    I'm a new follower.



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