January 2, 2012

back to work

 (Here's an outfit from over break.   I LOVE socks under boots and would be happy wearing them everyday)

Things that make me not so happy today: 

1. That I am on my way out the door to go bad to work today. 
2. My Old Navy credit card statement from Christmas shopping. 
3. Spring break is a LONG way away. 
4.  My sister and her family going home to Vermont. 
5. Chris and everyone I know are off work today but not my school.  

Things that make me happy today: 

1. Chris  said he'd bring me coffee at lunch and vacuum today. 
2. The bachelor is on tonight.  

I really need to work on putting resolution #1 into action today!


  1. i love this outfit katie! that print is gorgeous. good luck on your first day back, it is always the hardest, ugh!

  2. Um where did you get this dress? So cute!


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