January 24, 2012

Dear Lauren in Law,

 1. Do you like your new name?  Now it will be easier to differentiate between my two Laurens.  

  Shirt: Old Navy  Skirt: Handmade   Boots: Kohls

2.  I made this skirt this weekend.  I followed these directions, but things did not go as well near the end so I kind of made up my own steps and it turned out okay!  Thank goodness for the stretchy knit fabric, otherwise it would not have fit.  
I'm really not sure about this whole making my own clothes thing.  While I did feel very accomplished, it took a long time and the fabric was cheap but still cost money.  I'm pretty good at finding cheap clothes so I'm not sure if it is worth it?  

3.  I can't wait until you live here for many reasons.  One being that you can then watch the Bachelor with me on Monday nights.  

4.  I wanted to try to take a picture of my whole skirt, and therefore tried to take one of my backside.  I clearly did not succeed in taking a good "model" pose.  

I should learn to fully commit like you did in this picture: 

I'm still learning. : ) 

I love you Lauren!  Can't wait to see you next weekend. 


P.S.  I added some new items to my Etsy shop. I made some of my little make -up bags that I shared a few weeks ago.  I'm excited to add different kinds of items to my shop!

Linking up with: 


  1. love that yellow belt!!! but REALLY love that mustard colored scarf n the post below... i need that. soooo cute.

  2. I love your model pose, thanks for linking up to my What We Wore and Made Party!

  3. You're too cute! Love the yellow belt!

  4. Such a cute striped skirt - love that it's homemade :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. Adorable skirt!! Love that you made it!

  6. The skirt is great and those little bags are awesome. Visiting from Whatever Whenever Wednesday.

  7. WOW! love that you made that! My sewing machine is broken :-( I miss it!

  8. Looks like you did a great job! The makeup bag is really cute too!



  9. Love the blog! I just stumbled upon it today view forloveofacupcake. Love being able to see all of your cute outfits, and I am so impressed that you teach, blog, and have an etsy shop! You do it all!


  10. Love everything about this post!! I cannot wait to live by you either, less than 4 months to go! PS. I love my new name. :) Only a week and 2 days till I see you!

  11. seriously - i got skipped in the talent department......the fact that you make your own clothes amazes me! SO talented!

  12. I KNOW you will be linking this up at D2F this Friday! This is perfect! Your blog is just too cute! Love the great ideas!
    Amy @ Sugar and Spice

  13. You made your skirt?! Seriously...wow! :) Too cute!

  14. love that skirt (handmade? amazing!)
    and what an adorable pop of color with the yellow belt :)

  15. Um, I'm super impressed with your crafty skills!

    lace, etc.

  16. Looking good! Tell me about those grey boots. I'm really digging them! Thanks for sharing at Drab to Fab!


  17. Great post :)

    Thank you for linking up, this week’s “Craft, Create and Inspire” linky is up, hope you can stop by and link up another fabulous post...

    Claire xox

  18. Thanks for joining the jean shirt challenge! We love the neutrals and then the pop of yellow! Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!



  19. I just wanted to let you know I featured your cute skirt on Blissful and Domestic tonight. Stop by and grab a button:>



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