January 23, 2012

Introverted and Dependent

 Dress: Francesca's ($10)  Boots: Old Navy ($20)  Scarf: Handmade (directions here)

If I had to pick whether I am an introvert or extrovert I would choose introvert.  I would much rather choose to spend an evening at home with Chris, or even with a few friends, than to be out with a large group of people.  If I don't have time alone during a week, then I don't feel relaxed and get more overwhelmed. 

Then if you ask if I am more independent or dependent I would definitely pick dependent.  I think a large part of that comes from getting married so young.  I never had to live on my own (minus the year and half I spent in a college dorm, I don't think that counts).  Chris is currently out of town for work and I hate staying alone.  So much I sleep at my parents.  I don't like making big choices on my own.  I need advice and encouragement often.  

It's interesting because I feel like introvert and dependent are opposite words but both accurately describe me.  Anyone else relate?

On a different note I really like this dress I bought this weekend, except that it comes with some serious static cling all over.  Caused me some problems today.

Hope you had a nice Monday!


  1. So pretty! Love that pop of blue and yellow scarf...makes a great combo!

  2. Girl, I am the EXACT same way! Put me with a group of large people, I just sit and listen (mostly): I would much rather be with the hubs or a small group. And I am totally dependent (I stay at my parents' too if the hubs is away or I make them come to my house)! We could be BFFs, ha!

  3. Love the outfit :) I can totally relate to being both an introvert and dependent.

  4. You and I are possibly alike in every way, Katie! I prefer my couch, the fireplace, dvds, husband, etc. to even going out for dinner. Isn't it weird how you/I can be so dependent, yet like being alone??? Love that yellow scarf! Great pop of color :)

  5. I love the skirt...and the scarf!!

  6. I'm totally an introvert! There are times when I way more outgoing but my initial response is pretty shy. That is so exciting you're doing a giveaway, I love making those necklaces!

  7. Very cute outfit. Love the dress!

    Come check out my blog FEST about food, style & travel. I'm documenting a wardrobe challenge to not buy any clothes in 2012 and can use all the support I can get. Ha!

    PS.. following you now. :)

  8. I am a total introvert too! :) You look adorable! I love yellow and bright blue together!

  9. Love the bright yellow scarf!! I believer I am introvert!!

  10. I really like the splash of orange and the blue!

  11. thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! your dress is so pretty and i'm loving the handmade scarf. {static cling can be such a pain; might i recommend a can of static guard, or even rubbing a dryer sheet over you and the clothes works in a pinch}.

  12. I love love LOVE this outfit! Wayy cute! :)

  13. Love that blue skirt - looks great with the yellow scarf! And I totally get what you mean - I actually feel the same way - my hubs is away for work too and I HATE staying alone :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  14. I really like the bright colors together with the stripes! I, being neither an introvert nor dependent, still think I understand because I have the opposite set of issues! (: Hopefully you can conquer that static cling to make your clothes behave.

  15. I love your color combos here! Gorgeous scarf!

    See Me Rwar

  16. I love the blue and yellow together! It's such a happy color combo. =)

    I'm majorly dependent. So much so that if the Hubs goes out of town for even a night, I call my mom and tell her she needs to come in town just to help me iwth the kids. What mom can't handle two kids by herself??? This mom, that's who! lol But I'm not really introverted. I've become more of a homebody as I've aged and had kids, but I'm still pretty outgoing when with a group of people. =)

  17. Your outfit is sooo cute! Love the yellow :)

  18. I love the yellow and blue together!! I'm not a pro at poses either yet!

  19. I love the colour combination :)

    Please do follow my very yound blog at http://tanzanitesdream.blogspot.com/



  20. Now if only you knew a psychologist to talk these things over with : ) I love the new dress...super cute!

  21. i am so bad at taking pictures of myself! i am hardly in the actual picture of today's post :) you look adorable! i am in love with your dress!!


  22. You look great! Love the whole outfit!

    Found you thru Casey! I'm your newest follower :)

    The Foley Fam Blog

  23. This is the cutest! I am definitely an extrovert, but I can still be very shy and want to stay in for a whole weekend.

  24. Great outfit! But I more want to comment on what you said - I feel very very similar. Between the two I'd say introvert because big groups "intimidate" me in a way. Especially if I don't know many of the people in them. But like you, I always need company, or someone to be near who I can talk to. I hate going a day without talking to anyone. I really don't like the feeling of being "alone". It's such a weird combination, but I think you are so right with the dependence aspect.

  25. I love the yellow scarf. If the skirt is really clingy, try rubbing a dryer sheet on your tights to help repel the skirt.


  26. The color combination of mustard and cobalt blue is one of my very favorites! I love love love this outfit!


  27. love that big chunky mustard scarf! so cute!

  28. Love that bright blue skirt!!

  29. Well, I left my parents' home at 18, AND my country, then flew half a world away to the US for college then for work. So I guess, I'm independent. But like you, I'm introvert. I need to be alone to recharge my battery!
    The problem of living alone for so many years is, you get so individualistic sometimes you wonder if it borders on selfishness!

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season


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