January 22, 2012

Valentine's Day Decorations

(Sometimes I wish our tv wasn't there because I think it ruins my pictures!)

I've never decorated for Valentine's day before, but pinterest inspired me to change up some of my Winter decorations.  Last weekend I made a few things and I love how they all turned out.  

Here's some close ups: 

I made the one on the left by gluing candy hearts to a styrofoam ball, sticking a skewer stick it in, filling a bucket I got in the dollar spot at Target with sand and putting it in it!  

I filled a mason jar with the rest of the candy hearts.  
The rosette ball was really easy too.  

All you need is red streamers, a styrofoam ball and a glue gun. 

Cut a piece about three or four feet long and fold it in half as you go.  

Start twisting your streamer into a circle to form a little rose bud.  

Keep twisting until you use all your piece.  Put a large circle of glue on your styrofoam ball and place the flower on top.  

This is a little time consuming, but my styrofoam ball wasn't too big so it didn't take too long. 

 This was an old vase that didn't match any of our stuff.  I cut out squares of an old text book and used modge podge to cover the vase.  

The banner is my favorite part!  I've seen a few on pinterest and decided to make my own.  It only took me about a half hour to make. 

First I cut out my banner pieces from burlap.  Then I cut out my hearts and glued them onto the burlap with my glue gun.  I then used my sewing machine to sew the pendents onto a piece of twine.  
I love how it turned out! 

Here's a peek at what I made this weekend: 

This skirt was definitely the hardest sewing project I've made yet.  I can't wait to wear it this week!

Hope you had a nice weekend!

Linking up with:

drab to fab link up


Keeping up with the Cantelmo's

One Artsy Mama


  1. I love this entire post! You are so crafty :)
    You're inspiration needs to rub off on me.


  2. cute decorations! you make me want to decorate now!!

    xoxo, megan

  3. Visiting from COM:
    I love all burlap banners..Yours it too cute!

  4. I found your blog with a post being featured on g*rated Sunday Best link up! Had to come check your blog out. Very cute...I love your tutorial for the Valentines stuff. I may have to make a trip to the craft store! I'm a new follower and look forward to seeing more of your blog!
    ~Lisa @ Organized Chaos

  5. Cute decorations! And I love your skirt!

    See Me Rwar

  6. Cute, cute, and cute! That banner is precious and great job on the skirt!!! :)

  7. So lovely, makes me want to do it now! :D

  8. Love it all! That banner is especially darling. You did a great job on your skirt too...you're so talented Katie!

  9. Very VERY cute!!!! I adore the banner!! Definitely my favorite. XOXO!

  10. Valentine's Day AND crafts? Two of my favorite things. :) cute cute cute!

  11. great valentine's decorations katie! i have been kicking myself for not being able to make the rosettes, they look so easy but for some reason i can't. aargghh!! i want to use candy hearts for decorating my place, they are so cute

  12. Love the banner. I think I have the makings of one of my in my craft stash. Thanks for sharing. (I saw your post on Craft-o-matic)

  13. I love the banner!! New from Share the Love link up :)

  14. WOW! I wish I was that crafty! I'm hoping to not mess up tying ribbon onto a wreath! Looks like you have an absolutely gorgeous mantle!

    Stopping by from the hop!

  15. It turned out so cute!! You are so creative!!! Thanks for linking up! I hope you link up next week!! :)

  16. Too cute! I adore valentines decorations.

  17. Your banner is so cute!! And I would love to try the tissue rose thing, but mine would end up looking like crumpled tissue paper in a ball.
    Just stopping by from The Blog Tap!

  18. I so love this post and so glad I came across it :) I have been thinking of decorating my new and you have given me so many ideas :) Thank you for being the light bulb :)

    PS: do follow my blog :) its still new but I will appreciate it :) http://tanzanitesdream.blogspot.com/


  19. I really like this! Ditto on the Pinspiration thing. I have a feeling that men all over the world are becoming pleasantly surprised / confused / humored by their wives' newfound passion for decorating because of Pinterest.
    That was deep, but oh well!
    Thanks for linking up Katie!
    Amy @ Sugar and Spice

  20. Super cute decor'. Good luck from Bacon Time.

  21. You posting are wonderful and informative.
    Valentine Love


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