January 19, 2012

Five things Friday

     1. Most days I wear dresses or skirts with leggings or tights.  I want to try getting more use out of my pants.  I haven't worn this blue button up shirt in years.  I'm excited I found a new way to wear it!

2. Last Sunday I made this recipe: Deep Dish Pizza
It was delicious!  

3.  We are supposed to get 6 inches of snow tomorrow afternoon. 
 I hoping for some more of this:  

4.  Want to know how to make this scarf that I wore in this post?
One of the easiest projects I've ever done!  Here is is: 

Buy a piece of jersey/knit fabric.You need a fabric that is nice and stretchy.  I bought two yards.  
Lay your fabric out on your floor and fold it in half so that shorter ends match up.
The outside of your fabric should be facing in.

Pin it in place. (This is important since knit fabric is very stretchy.)
Sew the ends together.
Flip it inside out (or outside in technically?)

That is it!  
Wrap it around your neck twice if you want it to look like this: 

5. I'm doing a giveaway on Amanda's sweet blog: For the Love of a Cupcake
Go visit her blog on Friday and enter the giveaway! 

Happy Weekend!


  1. such an adorable outfit
    and cute scarf

    we are gettin' some of that white stuff
    where i live!

    thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  2. I LOVE that scarf!!! I totally think I could do that! {I hope} I am going to try it! Thanks for linking up! You are so cute and I love the new look with the old blue button up shirt :) xoxo

  3. That outfit is adorable! And I LOVE that scarf! MAYBE I could manage to make one of those...

  4. I love circle scarves! They're my current favorite. :)

  5. I wish I could eat that pizza...next to that cozy fire...with that adorable scarf on!

  6. firstly that outfit is precious and the scarf...oh my lord. i love everything about it! where did you get the knit fabric? i love the grey stripe!

  7. Saw your giveaway over at Amanda's blog! Love the necklace! And your outfit looks great! I am like you I am always in dresses or skirts and feel like I never wear my pants! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. 1. I love your blog 2. Your letters to me make me cry because you are so sweet 3. I would like a circle scarf just like the one you made 4. I love this outfit 5. I'd love to hang out tonight...the dinner I am making could easily serve all of us : )

  9. I found you on Hollie's blog! Love the first outfit and the easy scarf idea!

    Happy weekend!

  10. that pizza looks so good! we are having pizza tonight =) yum.
    and love your last look! aren't leggings the best thing ever invented!

  11. Cute scarf!! We're supposed to get snow tomorrow too, but not that much! Hope you have a great weekend; thanks for linking up at Shine on Fridays!

  12. love your outfit girl!! it is too cute! and i love the necklace you paired with it goes perfectly. have a great weekend!

  13. I love the top outfit, and that pizza looks amazing.

  14. Love that first outfit soooo cute!!! And that pizza looks amazing!

  15. mmm deep dish!! i totally miss pizza!! i think it's about time i have some again! ;)

  16. Thank you for stopping by and commenting Katie! I'm so glad you did! I love to make homemade pizza and have been dying to figure out how to do a chicago-style deep dish! So I'm pretty excited about your link. New Follower :)

  17. The deep dish pizza looks ADORABLE! Seriously, I want pizza so bad right now. And your outfit is just the cutest thing in the world!

  18. that pizza looks delicious!


    ps. i'm hosting a link up tomorrow on things that inspire us and i would love for you to link up!

  19. the pizza looks and sounds good!! You are styling high!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

  20. that fire looks so welcoming!!!

    your newest follower:)


  21. I need to check out that deep dish recipe - my husband is from Chicago, and that's his favorite!

  22. love how you styled the blue shirt! it's perfect :) I'm also hungry for deep dish after seeing that pic! we got about six inches of snow yesterday too--not sure where you are, but in RI, it was just enough for me! haha. hope you had a cozy weekend! xoxo {av}

  23. I "tagged" you, check it out!


  24. The pizza you made looks so yummy! And I love the way you are wearing the button up blue shirt, I recently bought a shirt just like it so I can't wait to experiment with it!

  25. I just got a new sewing machine in December...and Haven't really made anything yet. This is such a cute scarf...I think I could do this! :)~
    ~Lisa @ O.C.

  26. You're being featured tomorrow at One Artsy Mama! Stop by and grab a button {and I hope you'll share some more great ideas with us too!} Have a great day!

  27. LOVE the scarf you made! Thanks so much for linking up to Monday Mingle!


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