February 16, 2012

5 Things Friday

1. Minus the belt I felt like I was pretty much wearing pajamas today.

Dress: Old Navy    Boots: DSW   Scarf: Made by my sister 

2. I think my kids may soon put together a revolt and overthrow my classroom.  
We just learned about the constitution and one morning this week I found this on my desk:
(Dear Mrs. Vale  - We all in room 118 want to choose who we sit by in 4th quarter.  Please let us.)

Although I know the Founding Fathers didn't sign their names with love. 

3. I'm sure you've seen this video already but I can't stop watching it.
So you should probably watch it again.
And Kristen Bell is now my favorite actress.

4. I just hung up the phone from talking to my nephew Travis, and while we were talking he burped and said, "Excuse me, I burped in my ear." 
I can't wait to see him in 3 weeks from today! 

5. I can't believe I almost have 200 followers! 
It amazes me that anyone besides Lauren and Lauren and my mom would want to read my blog. 

So happy for a three day weekend!
Happy Friday! 


  1. congrattss on the followers!! =D and i LOVE that video ;)

  2. That Kristen Bell video made me laugh SO hard! what in the world.....lol
    And that note from your students is too funny.
    Applying what they learned?

    happy almost Friday, girl!

  3. I love that note from your students. Too funny! They are learning.. I hope you have them sign a Bill of Rights for what they are and are not allowed to do in their chosen seats and let them know what the consequences are for breaking that! Smart cookies, your students!

  4. Such a cute outfit...and the letter was a good effort! haha

  5. Such a fun outfit. Chic and comfortable:)
    Your students are too funny! I teach first graders a few times a week and they are the most entertaining kids!

    P.S. Kristen Bell became a fave after that video!

  6. Sometimes I wear outfits like this when I just want to feel comfortable. Skirts are sooo much more comfortable than pants anyway. What grade do you teach?? I read my 4th graders "The Homework Machine", in which kids use the Declaration of Independence against their teacher as a way to insist on no homework. Very cute!

  7. Super cute outfit!!! And that note from your class is HILARIOUS. Also, the Kristen Bell video is amazing!

  8. Love how you belted that dress - so cute! And that Kristen Bell clip is hilarious :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. Your outfit is way too stylish to be pjs! The notes your students wrote is so funny :) Are you letting them choose their seats?

    The Tiny Heart

  10. Okay, that outfit looks SUPER cute and comfy, which is 100% my stlye ;) Also, I LOVE that note. Makes me miss teaching a little haha.

  11. That outfit looks so comfy!
    Your kids were so clever! lol
    I hadn't seen that video--LOVE it now! haha

  12. Cute outfit! Pajama-ish days are the best days! :)

  13. You've got to hand it to your students for putting a history lesson into practice! Love it. And if you love the Kristen Bell video, you should look up the auto-tuned version on YouTube. SO GOOD. Ellen even showed it on her show!

  14. Hi! I love love love that Kristen Bell video. Your kids are so adorable! Way to manipulate things they're learning in school, lol! And your outfit is awesome, I would never have known you were wearing PJs! Nice!



  15. I love those tights. I'm trying to get up the courage to wear some purple tights but I just can't bring myself to do it!

    Congrats on all those followers! You deserve them and so much more, friend :)


  16. What a cute outfit! And comfy to boot!

    I love Kristen Bell too, she seems so down to earth.

    Happy Friday!

  17. I saw that video before (when you showed it to me) but had to watch it again. It's hysterical! Thanks for reminding me of it.

  18. Kristen Bell's sloth meltdown...LOVE IT! I've seen it a ridiculous amount of times and I'm still laughing till I cry!!

    Visiting from High Five Friday ;)


  19. You're adorable!! Hilarious about your kids& nephew! Too funny!! Haha

    I'm a new follower...thanks for stopping by my lil' old bloggy! Love yours :)

  20. I love that Kristen Bell video! So hilarious. When I first saw it, I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my face.

  21. I laughed so hard at that Kristen Bell video - it made my day :)

  22. I love the "petition" that your students left on your desk. Too funny and cute! The Kristen Bell video always makes me laugh so hard! Like her, I've always loved sloths for some reason. However, I could never be THAT obsessed. So funny! Have a great weekend!

  23. Love this list! I am still laughing at the video. And the note from your students, so cute! When I was teaching we had a new desk arrangement every month. The last month of school I let them pick where they wanted to sit (We made a big chart of the classroom on the chalk board and each person had a sticky note with their name on it. I drew names and one at a time they got to put their sticky note on the board where they would like to sit.) It actually worked out well for that month and only 2 people had to have their desks moved due to disruptive behavior (and those students were disruptive no matter where their desks were!) Have a great weekend!

  24. ha love the scarf and belted outfit! and OMGosh - i saw kristin bell's meltdown..its so so funny! poor thing!

    love your blog!

  25. the note from your students is pretty cute...was it effective?!

  26. Found you at the Sunday Social! Love your blog. I'm a new follower. Oh, and Kristen Bell is awesome!

  27. I love your five things so much that I can't even pick my favorite. I might have to go with the Kristen Bell video but the note from your students is just great! Do they get to pick who they sit by?

    Following via GFC from the Sunday Social!


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