February 19, 2012

a new blazer and a new word

 A friend of mine gave me this white blazer a few weeks ago because she didn't want it anymore.  
Which means a new favorite item for me! 

This weekend Chris and I worked together on a project.  
And we learned a new word: cornice. 
I would've previously referred to them as boxes with fabric above your window.  
The project didn't start out too well.  
After cutting a few pieces of wood, Chris sawed through the cord of his table saw.
Sawed the cord right in half.   
Luckily after another trip to home depot he fixed it and we could finish our project.  

Here's a before of our windows: 

Both had the green curtains on them: 

Rather than writing out the directions, you can just look here for more information. 

You pretty much measure your wood (a front piece, and two sides). 
Wrap it with batting and fabric, and staple gun the back. 
Then put on brackets like this: 
 and put them on your wall.  

The most time consuming part was actually putting them into the wall because you have to use a screwdriver, since the drill won't fit in between. 

Here's how they looked after: 

I love how they turned out.  
Chris and I were pretty proud of ourselves too. 
Chris thinks that we can know build ourselves our own house. 


  1. Wow!! Your window treatments look SO, SO good!!

  2. Those are so awesome!!! Good work. And glad it was only his cord that he cut in half. And not any body parts. Eeeek!

    I just added your button to my blog. I have been a bit of a blog spazz lately, so I am sorry I am just now doing it. But you're up there now, and I am proud to have you. :)

  3. That blazer looks so cute on you :)
    I've been wanting to get one myself but just wasn't sure if I could pull it off!


  4. Love what you have done with the windows :) gives me inspiration to sit and DIY my room as well :)

  5. Your curtains look great! Thank goodness for Home Depot :)

    The Tiny Heart

  6. Ooh free blazer = happy day : ) Love your "cornices" - would never have known that they're called that! You learn something new every day. Anyway, they look great!



  7. Love your outfit! Your window treatments look good! :)

  8. jealous! on the search for a white blazer... love how you styled this!

  9. Wow, those look great! And lucky you for getting a hand me down blazer!

  10. love the blazer and looooove the window dressings!

  11. This looks great! I've been wanting to do something like this as well!

  12. what home-decor rockstars! you both are awesome! ha

  13. p.s. i love your shop and thanks for your comment! i'm definitely a new follower!

  14. YOur cornices look awesome! I love them. You guys are so crafty : )

  15. Fashionable and crafty! Love it. Thanks so much for sharing your style on Monday Mingle.

  16. Oh my goodness! Very pretty, I have cornices that I bought, but now I can make my own!
    I am hosting my 2nd link party, and would love for you to add this along with anything else you like!


    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  17. What a great score that blazer was and I love your window treatments!


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