February 23, 2012

5 Things Friday

1. I have been wanting to buy a pair of colored pants for months.  
Really the only pair I've tried on was at Target and they felt and looked like bright red spandex 
and I took them off as fast as I could. 
To my happy surprise I forgot that I had these pants from many, many years ago in the back of my closet. 
While I still want some skinny, colored jeans I am happy to have some colored pants to wear!

Shirt & Necklace:  Old Navy     Pants: Express      

2. Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies
I made these last week and they were delicious!  
(and very easy)

3. Check out these adorable photos.
A friend of mine who is talented photographer and mother of adorable twin girls
 took these pictures with some of the headbands from my shop.
I can't get over how cute they are!

4. Survivor
I'm about 90% proud that I've seen every single episode of Survivor and am an extreme loyal fan.
I'm so happy that the new season has started.

5. I saw this picture on pinterest and I miss Friends.
I think it's time I get out my seasons of Friends and watch some this weekend.

"Could I BE wearing any more clothes?"

Happy Friday! 

Linking up with:
5 Days 5 Ways   Whispering Sweet Nothing
Drab to Fab  anything goes
Sunday Best


  1. I love Friends! And all the awesome quotes that come with it.

  2. LOVE those pants! So cute on you.

  3. That is one of my all time favorite episodes. Hahaha....Happy Friday! XOXO

  4. I love the pants, and that color is great :)
    The pictures of the twins with your head bands are adorable!

  5. Love that outfit! Great color combo! I'm pregnant with my first and I am LOVING your headbands! So adorable. If it's a girl, I definitely see myself needing cute headbands.: )

  6. Love the pants!

    Joey is so funny! I love that episode!

  7. That Friend's episode is one of my favorites! I might have to pull out a season and watch some too :)

  8. I've been watching Friends at the gym and on Nick@Nite lately. Definitely one of the greatest shows ever! I love the way you say you're "90% proud" haha. I've never actually watched Survivor...I know..weird.

  9. I loveeeeee your pants! & I miss friends so much! I wish it never ever ended!

  10. Those pants are super cute!! AAand the headbands are just precious, too. I'm stopping by via the blog hop. Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower.

    Lots of love,

  11. I love colored pants (although I don't own any at the moment) I love the sea foam color and the denim shirt looks absolutely gorgeous with it!! Happy Friday :) Your new follower xo

  12. I so wish those pants were in stores now!! So cute!
    Happy Friday :)

  13. You are so cute! I love the coral necklace with the colored pants. I also love your Survivor loyalty...you are 90% proud. You crack me up! I am becoming convinced that if I lived near you I would gain 50 lbs due to all the delicious desserts you make. Those lava cookies look amazing! And, I of course love Friends too : )

  14. LOVE this post! Your colored pants are awesome - the chambray and orange necklace look great with the minty color. Those chocolate lava cookies make me want to leave work right now & go make some...and I LOVE me some Friends :) Happy Friday!

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. I too was horrified when trying on the skinny red pants at Target. My usual size did not look very flattering on me. I like the color of your rediscovered pants and they look great on you!

  16. Love your pants!! I think I am too scared to try colored pants!! Guess I won't know, til I try them on!! The headbands are so cute!

  17. Those mint pants are perfect for the pastel trend this season! I love it when I realize something in my closet that I've had forever is suddenly on trend :) How I Met Your Mother fills my Friends void.

    The Tiny Heart

  18. I love it when I find an old goodie in my closet...and you, my friend, definitely found a jewel...wide leg mint pants...LOVE!!! Have a super weekend!

  19. I've been dying for a pair of colored jeans, and your mint colored pants are awesome! I Love the color!!

  20. I about died when I saw that chocolate chip lava cookie!! I think that is going to happen in my kitchen this weekend...

    Have a great weekend! :)

  21. OMG okay two things...I love the pants! and I made those lava cakes last weekend and they are TO DIE FOR!!!! A definite must! :-)
    Have a great weekend!


    p.s. you should check out my blog all about color I think you would really enjoy it! colorissue.blogspot.com

  22. omg I DIE for your pretty pants!!! Wheee! So cute! And I'm so sad I've missed out on the start of this season of Survivor. :( I usually watch...but I feel the way you do about another reality show: Big Brother. Oh boy. I am counting down the days 'til summer so I can watch it. I've never missed an episode. ;)

  23. friends makes my life every time its on?!!

    AND are those pants from express? i had them in hot pink and lime green if so! haha love them!!!

    i tried on the same red pair at target....seriously, who made those?!?! i think i tried on a size 18 and they were still as tight at tights! i kid but really they were NOT flattering.....pancake butt for sure!

  24. way fun pictures!!! My daughter told me to keep all my clothes, because they will be back in style in 15 yrs...great!

  25. Those cookies look amazing, and LOL at the picture of Friends! What is it about that show that never stops being hilarious, no matter how many times you watch it!?

  26. Love the button-up + colored pants, and your headbands are just too cute!!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Feature Friday Free-for-all!


  27. I need to go to express and get those pants immediately. Lovely outfit! xo

  28. Thanks so much for partying with me at Drab to Fab on Friday! This week's party is up, so come on back with more of your fab outfits. I love seeing what you come up with!

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice


  29. Love those pants! Great color on you!


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