February 21, 2012

Compliment Fail

 Shirt: Old Navy  Skirt: Target   Boots: Kohls  

The other night,  while Chris was telling me goodnight he put his hand on my thigh and said something about my muscles.  I of course proceeded to tell him to feel them again while I was flexing.
You know, in the hopes he'd be impressed.  
Well his response was 
"yeah those are really strong, they're like tree trunks".  
I'm sure I don't need to spend time telling you, like I did with Chris, as to why that is indeed not a compliment.

And thank you for all the encouraging comments from my post yesterday.
I was incredibly encouraged by all your sweet words and truly appreciated them!

Blogs I love linking up with:


  1. Haha! They are SO not tree trunks. Sounds like a slip up my Zach would make. Love that plaid shirt on you!

  2. haha this made me laugh! :) guys are so funny sometimes! and of course, they are totally not tree trunks by any means!

    hope you're having a good week girl!

  3. haha sounds like a typical boy comment-they are not always gifted with words! there is nothing of a tree-like nature about your darling figure! Boys just don't ever know what to say haha. I love this plaid top!

    The House of Shoes

  4. Hi Katie, I just stumbled across your cute blog!! I love the this shirt!! You look adorable!!

  5. I love that plaid is in, this is such a cute top. So fresh and modern :)

  6. That sounds like something my husband would say; trying to be nice and insulting me instead. But you're too cute and definitely not tree trunk like, so no worries! And I really like the flannel shirt combo with skirt. I got a new salmon colored skirt this weekend and was trying to figure out how to wear it--now I know!

  7. Haha too funny - I have very muscular thighs too - which I find good AND bad. Anyway, love your plaid top - looks so cute with that skirt :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. Haha sometimes guys don't think before they speak! They should know they should just tell women they're beautiful and leave it at that :)

    The Tiny Heart

  9. haha oh my goodness!! Men! You never know what they are going to say, ha!

  10. Hahaha no he didn't!
    They are NOT tree trunks, girl!

    but I know how you feel - I have thick thighs and one time a guy told me he wished his thighs were shaped like mine.
    Not exactly what a girl wants to hear! haha!

    Happy Wednesday!

  11. Oh, my husband is always saying the wrong things by accidents. The other day I had to tell him that most women would not think, "Bigs" is a term of endearment. And I think a woman with strong legs is beautiful!:)

  12. First, you have lovely legs. Glad you are teaching Chris how to compliment well : ) Second, this is one of my favorite outfits you've posted. I plan on copying it tomorrow!

  13. Silly boys! Haha that's funny. Your skinny legs are definitely not tree trunks! Cute boots and plaid shirt!

  14. oh my goodness ....boys!! haha in his mind i'm sure he was thinking it was an AMAZING compliment since that is an awesome compliment for guys.....it just doesnt translate among genders. i'm sure what he meant was - girl you soooo fine ;)

  15. nice pics!!! enjoyed your blog...

    hope you could visit my blog too...


  16. Lol that's funny! Tree trucks?

    Your outfit is cute! Love the button up paired with a shirt. I didn't get a chance to read yesterdays post yet. Hope everything is okay friend!

    P.s. I awarded you a cute blog award. I think it would be fun if you filled out questions too! (it's on my blog)


  17. Love your outfit and HA HA HA, my husband always grabs me and says, "You're my STRONG girl!" WHAT!??? Guys are HILARIOUS!

  18. Stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to show yous some blog luv! def enjoyed this post :) very very cute!!


  19. Your outfit is so cute! And that sounds like something my husband would say - men and their "compliments"!


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