February 28, 2012

Dear Lauren,

blouse: Old Navy   skinny jeans: jcpenny    boots: dsw  shirt: ?

 These are officially my favorite pair of boots.  I wear them all the time! 
And yet again, thanks to looking at pinterest I found the idea to wear my tank top blouse over a long sleeve shirt.  
What did we do before looking at pinterest?

Everyday at school I look at this picture on the bulletin board by my desk. 
Today I looked at it multiple times. 

And it makes me want to:
a) be tan again  
b) go back to Mexico
c) spend time with you. 

Thankfully I get to see you and your sweet babies in a little over a week!  

And I know that this was a rougher week for you parenting wise. 
I hope you know that you are raising the sweetest little boy and it couldn't be more of a reflection of what an amazing mother you are.  I can't wait till I have a baby and can learn from one of the best! 

I love you sister! 

p.s. I just realized that yesterday my blog post title said Open you eyes.  Next time I make a grammatical error like that, feel free to correct me.  I know if my mom would have read that post, she would have right away. 

Linking up to: 


  1. Super cute!! I love both of you! I cannot wait to see you Lauren! P.S. Katie I've been wearing cute outfits to school and I'm excited for you to see you them when I move up there:)

  2. I always ask myself what I did before blogging and Pinterest...
    and then I remember, that's when I put school first ;)


  3. Not true, says your mother. I saw it but didn't comment!

  4. Oh Man! I never thought to wear a long sleep shirt under a tank top blouse! Totally doing that tomorrow!

  5. Super cute outfit! Layering tanks over long sleeve shirts doubled my winter wardrobe! And I really like the boots too!

  6. Those boots are fabulous! Good question about what we did before Pinterest....definitely spent a lot less time on the computer!

  7. You are so sweet! I love that picture of us...though I definitely wasn't tan : ) I appreciate your encouragement...you are such a gift!

  8. you have a very lucky sister - sisters are the best!

  9. That pic makes me want to go to Mexico too :) Love how you layered the tank over long sleeves - so cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. That polka dot tank is super cute! Oh how I wish I was tan again too from a tropical vacation. A girl can dream!

    The Tiny Heart

  11. I woke up to lots of snow this morningM so definitely Mexico and a tan sound so nice right about now!

  12. You are so stylish (and crafty!) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  13. Gosh, I hate when I find grammatical errors after I already posted! So frustrating! I agree, pinterest is so good!

  14. so cute! Thanks for your sweet comment! And I couldn't agree more- What would we do with out pinterest!

    love the boots!


  15. Very cute outfit! Boots are my favorite! =)

  16. oh girl....i apparently make grammar errors all the time. my sister said my mom told her she should proofread my blogs b/c i make mistakes all the time (but not to tell me b/c it would hurt my feelings). haha oh moms! LOVE the tank over long sleeve idea - MUST try!!

  17. Thanks so much for linking up! LOVE those boots on you!

  18. hey i found you through mingle with us blog hop and am now following you, i hope you can follow me back at baysbooks.blogspot.com

  19. Don't you hate it when you find grammatical errors on your blog?!? It drives me crazy when I reread my posts. I can't believe that there is snow in the background of your picture, we have had sunshine all week long :)


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