March 1, 2012

High Five for Friday

 1.  How many blazers have I acquired in the last month? Three.  One for free.  One for $4. And this one for $10. 
Thank you Old Navy.  

2. And thank you to this stylish lady I found on pinterest for my outfit inspiration: 


 3.  Today my students were working on an assignment finding adjectives that started with specific letters and were using the dictionaries.  One of my students came up to me, laughing embarrassingly, and pointed to the word naked. 
"Yes Morgan, that is a word." 

4.  I made my first green smoothie last week, and have since made one two more times.  I was a little skeptical and Chris was very skeptical but we were both pleasantly surprised that it was delicious.  And I felt unbelievably healthy while drinking it.  

Only downfall is when I added blueberries to one I had blueberry and spinach pieces stuck in my teeth. 
So far from flattering. 

Green Smoothie

5. This weekend Lauren in Law is coming and it's my dad's birthday!  
Then next week sister Lauren is coming.  
Lots to look forward to! 

Happy weekend! 


  1. that green drink surprisingly looks delicious!!!!

    i love your outfit.

    you are so cute.

  2. I love blazers! Yours is adorable! As soon as I am not pregnant anymore I am totally getting one :) I was surprised that green smoothies were so good too... you can barely even taste the spinach.

  3. I need to add blazers to my wardrobe! Have a good weekend!

  4. I love that blue scarf too. Scarves are my thing these days, so cute ones always pop out to me. Oh, I'm not sure my kids would know how to use a dictionary...Well, I tried to teach them, but still..

  5. wow, 3 blazers and one of them is free?! thank you, old navy!

    p.s. my sister made something similar to a green smoothie, i thought i wouldn't like it either, but it was surprisingly good. :)

    <3, Mimi

  6. Aren't green smoothies so good?!
    I was sketched out at first, too but they are so good!

    I love blueberries in mine, so I always carry floss with me ;)

    Happy Friday!

  7. what a fantastic blazer!! love it!

  8. I've been a green smoothie devotee for a few months now. It's one of few breakfasts that actually fills me up for a good long time.

    Ohhh #3. I substitute teach and frequently run into kids finding "naughty" words. So funny!

  9. Umm I think I need to go to Old Navy after seeing that blazer - SO cute Katie! That smoothie looks pretty good - minus the spinach teeth :) Have a great weekend!

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. I can't believe all the amazing deals you've been getting on blazers! Clearly I've been spending waaaay too much on mine. I admire you for drinking that smoothie, I don't think I could stomach it :) Enjoy your weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  11. YAY for your blazers! and it sounds like you have a wonderful weekend ahead! enjoy :)

  12. First off, you look freaking amazing in those jeans. Like SO good. I really want you to understand how good we're talking, because it's good haha :) Also, the fact that you distinguish between your sister and sister in law by calling them "Loren in Law" and "sister Loren" makes me smile :)

  13. i'm totally obsessed with blazers right now look great in one! happy friday :) xo lauren

  14. Oh me oh my, I LOVE your scarf! That outfit is perfection.

    Look at you making green smoothies! I admire you for that :)

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my post about Elisha and I! Aren't blog friends just wonderful? I'm glad you follow her blog too. Happy weekend!


  15. Looooove the blazer! You wear it so well! The scarf is the perfect touch, too.

  16. I'm a little blazer obsessed- don't you love blazers?! the one you're wearing there is so cute too. how'd you get a free blazer?! I love free clothes lol :) I actually got a navy blazer like the Pinterest one from the little boys section at Walmart! love that look.

    The House of Shoes

  17. Very nice outfit, good to get inspirations... Such a great blog! Take a look at mine and if you want we can follow each others.

  18. Love that blazer, they add so much class to an outfit!! Can't believe you found 3 for so cheap! :]
    Andd that smoothie looks delicious! I hope you'll share the recipe soon!

    Please check out my giveaway to support my sister as she bikes 110 miles along side wounded veterans!

  19. your blazer is really amazing!
    X the cookies

  20. Cute blazer!! I am going to try the green smooothie soon...thanks for sharing.


  21. i've acquired quite a few blazers too lately! haha they never seem to go out of style, so i think we're in good shape! :) this one looks loverly!! xoxo

  22. I need to try one of these green smoothies! i am SO skeptical about them but everyone that tries them always says they're awesome!

    happy weeekend friend!

  23. I'm in love with blazers too! So cute!!

  24. Love the blazers! I have a cream colored one, but haven't I've been brave enough to wear it, ha!

  25. I love your outfit, it is so cute! And YAY for green smoothies. The combinations are endless, hope you continue to make lots more!

  26. Hello! I love your blog! I just added myself to your followers for support, and wanted to invite you to come follow my blog and be a part of a really fun giveaway I’m having!
    Hope to see you there! Thanks!

  27. You are inspired! Very cute! Thanks for linking up to Drab to Fab! This week's party is up again, so please come back and party some more with me! You can link up old or new :)
    Here's a link to the party:

    Have a great weekend!

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice


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